I am an ex JW and happy. My sister is an ultra JW married to an elder. My non JW Grandfather just past away and my sister has said for the last 15 years that she wanted nothing to do with that side of my family including me and especially my grandfather. She always said how evil he was. He was a wealthy man and had no will so a portion gets split between me and my nasty sister. Now she is saying that her and her hubby have to think about it, meanwhile they are worth atleast 5 mill. Please if anyone can give me scriptures or biblical stories to combat them , I feel this is the only way they will understand anything. Thanks in advance
I really need some help
by KICKED OUT 23 Replies latest jw friends
What exactly do you want to say to them? Do you want acceptance from them? Do you want to ask if they think their inheritance is contaminated because it is from a non-JW? Did they attend your grandfather's funeral? What exactly do you hope to resolve in the relationship?
All I am looking for is for her to not take the money. I feel it is wrong to take money from a person you want nothing to do with. My sister has not see or spoken to my grandfather in 15 years...she thought he was an evil man. Are there any scriptures of people turning down money for moral reasons.
I think that is her decision to make.
It might be a good thing for her to get the money. Everytime she spends a dime of it she will have to think of her grandfather. Eventually it may bring to mind the way she treated him. It could be the curse that makes her face her own behavior.
I don't think there is anything to make her not take the money.
A JW friends mother passed away who was very wealthy. He didn't have much to do with her, one because she didn't like his JW life, and, he felt she was not a nice person.
Examing her portfolio, he noticed she had several questionable investments. Ones that even non-JW's would frown on. He liquidated the real bad ones, bought a Sailing boat, and pioneered with his wife sailing to islands in the Carribean.
That opportunity was all made possible by those 'unrightieous riches'. It would be hard for a JW to turn down that opportunity, no matter where the money comes from.
Unless there is a legal reason to combat your sister take your part and continue to be happy. Let her have her share, without comment, she'll find soon enough large sums of money don't make one happy, specialy when the "moochers" come around. She'll be the target, not you...
" It might be a good thing for her to get the money. Everytime she spends a dime of it she will have to think of her grandfather. Eventually it may bring to mind the way she treated him. It could be the curse that makes her face her own behavior."...cameo-d...spot on...
No one will turn down money. That's just a sad reality of life. There really isn't anything you will be able to do to stop it so just graciously bow out and accept whatever your inheritence is and then tell the evil JW sister to go to ****! That's just my opinion on it.
You could try.....
(1 Corinthians 10:18-22) 18 LOOK at that which is Israel in a fleshly way: Are not those who eat the sacrifices sharers with the altar? 19 What, then, am I to say? That what is sacrificed to an idol is anything, or that an idol is anything? 20 No; but I say that the things which the nations sacrifice they sacrifice to demons, and not to God; and I do not want YOU to become sharers with the demons. 21 YOU cannot be drinking the cup of Jehovah and the cup of demons; YOU cannot be partaking of “the table of Jehovah” and the table of demons. 22 Or “are we inciting Jehovah to jealousy”? We are not stronger than he is, are we?
Your non-JW G-pa sacrificed his life and devotion to the 'world' so why would they want such tainted gains........
or more 'timely' as it was covered last week in the first paragraphs of the newest CBS book.....(Come be my follower 2007).
(Mark 10:23-25) 23 After looking around Jesus said to his disciples: “How difficult a thing it will be for those with money to enter into the kingdom of God!” 24 But the disciples gave way to surprise at his words. In response Jesus again said to them: “Children, how difficult a thing it is to enter into the kingdom of God! 25 It is easier for a camel to go through a needle’s eye than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.”
But I am betting she is going to show her 'true' colors on this one!
You could remind her that when she takes the money and uses it that she is touching the unclean thing considering its source.
Otherwise, unfortunately, the Bible actually speaks of wealth transfer from the wicked to the righteous. I certainly hope she does not know about that one.
In an interesting twist, if the so called 'evil' person is a believer in the Bible and is wealthy and decides to give out of the kindness of his heart to his 'enemies' who are witnesses. Both of them would be reasoning from the Bible in regards to the event. The 'evil' believer would be reasoning that he is loving his enemies while the witness would be reasoning that Jehovah is transferring wealth from the wicked to the righteous.
If Grandpa was worried about making sure she was not getting any money, he would have taken care of it. I don't see any purpose in this. She will possibly come to her senses about Grandpa later in life, sorry that she missed out. Possibly not, but let her have what's coming to her.
The worst that can happen is that she gives it all to WTS. Still, it's not yours to worry about.