Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 03-07-10 WT Study (DEDICATE JAH)

by blondie 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • poopsiecakes

    Great work, Blondie.
    Thanks so much for this weekly treat that serves as such a great reminder to not ever get involved with this crack pot religion ever again.

    The paragraph about the adoption clause stood out for me as well. What the hell is that?? They've reached a new low with that one...

  • bobld

    Thanks blondie

    Q9 "He was loyal and cared for them as a loving parent cares for a child." He WAS WAS WAS what kind of a father is this Jehovah.Look if you are a caring father you WILL love your child come hell or high water.Yeah he just threw this child away.He should be charged with child neglect.I can see how the GB is the same.they use you and after they are finished they toss you (bethlites).

  • undercover

    Q 1. What steps have those presenting themselves for baptism already taken, and what questions does this raise?
    "ON THE basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will?" This is one of the two questions answered by baptismal candidates at the conclusion of a baptism talk.
    COMMENTSWhy do they leave out the second question? This has been the question since 1985? What was it before in 1973? Notice how "the enlightening power of the holy spirit" becomes "God's spirit-directed organization." Yes, the WTS teaches that holy spirit God can only be obtained through the Watchtower organization! No baptism in the name of the Father, the Son, and the holy spirit but rather in the name of a spirit-directed organization.

    The very first thought through my head after reading the first sentance of the first paragraph matched Blondie's comment. Were's the second question? This entire arcticle was a smokescreen. Get people all worked up to dedicate themselves to God but conveniently leave out that they'll be dedicating themselves to a printing corporation...

    C U L T

  • Mary

    imagine a respectable father who shows kind interest in an orphaned youth and wishes to adopt him as a member of his own family. The father is known to be a good man. Still, before accepting the youth as his son, the man wants the boy to make a promise. So the man says, "Before I accept you as a son, I need to know that you will love and respect me as your father." Only if the youth is willing to make a solemn promise will the man admit him into his family. Is that not reasonable?

    This has got to be one of the stupidest things they've ever put to print. People who adopt orphans generally do so without any strings attached. They realize that the child has probably had a lousy life and they do all in their power to make the child feel loved. No one in their right might would say to a child that before adopting them, that child MUST promise to love and respect them, because chances are, the child doesn't understand what unconditional love or respect even are.

  • wokeup

    This dedication concept as a pre-requisite for baptism is not a New Testament teaching. If you look at all the baptisms in the book of Acts (both Jews & Greeks), it makes no mention of some vow (add study program, ministry school, 100+ baptism questions) prior to emersion. And Romans 12:1 is addressing 'brothers'. It sounds good and feels good to many, giving them a sense of duty or acomplishment, but I just don't see it. (there is a greek work for dedication) If it was such an important tenet of Christianity it would be explicit. To me, making this vow and 'living up to it' is NOT the plan of salvation. It takes away from the value of what Christ died for, making it a 'down payment' as it were substituting works for faith.

    Seems the leadership also frequently confuses the word covenant with dedication. they are not synonymous last I checked, The Jews were under the Mosiac Law Covenant, not the Mosiac Law Dedication.

    I suppose they have no fear of standing before the judgement seat of Christ since they feel THEY are the Christ too. They're in for a sad awakening.

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