Armageddon is just around the corner . . .
"The point is that earthquakes are common and always have been,"
by purplesofa 16 Replies latest jw friends
In case anyone has not seen the article at, it goes through the dishonest information presented in the Watchtower regarding earthquakes.
As discussed above, earthquakes form over thousands of years and there is no increase in recent decades. Hundreds of thousands of people died from earthquakes in each century since Jesus time and there is no significant increase since 1914. In fact, better building standards mean that in places like Chile, less people die now than in the past.
Thanks JWfacts,
I remember reading their intellectually dishonest bullshit on earthquakes years ago.
One other thing that the WTS didn't mention for obvious reasons that earthquakes around the world are
now openly known to the public thanks to the media we have to day.
When your marketing and exploiting fear your not necessarily going to hear intellectual honesty come forth.
The U.S. Geological survey says, "earthquakes from tiny tremblors to massive ones strike about 1.3 million times a year. You just don't feel most of them....The reason there are far more reports is that the number of seismograph stations has increased from 350 globally in 1931 to 8,000 today."
"The reason there are far more reports is that the number of seismograph stations has increased from 350 globally in 1931 to 8,000 today."
Another very important point that brainwashed JWS do not realize in their thinking.
The policy of fear dictates that you don't get all the information, only the information that can be utilized.
But what about Jesus's specific words of prophecy:
"There will be earthquakes first in Haiti and Chile and then in Indonesia and Turkey, and you will know by this exact sequence of earthquakes that the end is near"?
Come on you doubters: You can't get more specific than that? How do explain that very specific prediction??
The Greek word doesn't even necessarily mean earthquakes. Nevertheless, the Watchtower preoccupation with them flies directly against Jesus advice to not let these common events alarm you and seduce you into thinking the end is here.