Thats not a new video, but this is still happening in Russia.
Do you thing its good if authorities try to slow down JW, or should they just let them do what they want?
by Albert Einstein 21 Replies latest jw friends
Thats not a new video, but this is still happening in Russia.
Do you thing its good if authorities try to slow down JW, or should they just let them do what they want?
It is bad for democracy in Russia. Shame on the men in uniforms!
Freedom of religion is always a good thing.
However if a group is proven as being a destructive mind control cult, I think if the government can present evidence for public opinion to feel that way then they might be able to do something to slow down or remove a religious group.
If they ban JWs, who is next? You never know... Maybe you. Maybe they themselves. That's very dangerous to take freedom to any religious group.
I agree that it goes against religious freedom, but in the case of the JWs, as in many other nations - much of this they have brought upon themselves.
As much as I hate the cult of the WTS, I think it's important that people be allowed freedom of religion. If one wants to be a JW then they should be free to be one...or Mormon or Catholic or Muslim.
What is so bad about banning JWs is that it doesn't really hurt the Society. They don't suffer because they're not allowed, but everyday rank and file publishers under the incorrect belief that God is supporting them will go to dangerous levels to prove their faith. And they're the ones who suffer.
It's a bad deal no matter what when dealing with cults...
Yes, but there are other methods and legal instruments to prevent dangerous cults. It is not okay to disrupt peaceful convention (even though some think that JWs have dangerous beliefs, the convention was peaceful - that's de facto), and appear there with police dog. That's not okay.
It just reinforces the JW's persecution complex.
Better to hit them where it hurts: in the pocket.
Tax them like the business that they are.
Undercover really makes the correct point - the difficulty of dealing with a stubborn cult when it is being remote controlled from outside the country.
The Russian JWs are the ones who have to suffer this (Malawi comes to mind), and if history is followed - the GB really do not care what happens to them. They have a persecution complex and this kind of thing fuels it.
One point - if they knew things were critical in Russia at this time, why do they insist on having a convention in the face of opposition? Why push a pretty aggressive tract campaign into the conflict?
Under orders from outside, as always.
Crack downs like this are bad for everyone. It is a shame that they didn't use an alternative approach. I feel sorry for the R&F who have been told that the best way to react to a ban is to preach the word more zealously.