Terry, get that child a hot water bottle or a heating pad. It helps me (geez my monthly visitor just came too ) and it might help ease her pain.
Only a willful LIAR needs WIGGLE ROOM!
by Terry 23 Replies latest jw experiences
I think my monthly visitor just came too !
Oh wait a second maybe it was those refried bean burritos I ate about an hour ago !
..........never mind
thetrueone, Don't sit too near a naked flame.
back on thread, thanks for the quotes all, it is good to realise how relatively recent that twaddle is, it is useful ammo. when talking to an active Dub. They tend to glaze over at Russells stuff, or Rutherfords, but 30 years ago ain't long. What tripe.
I had always wondered why prophecies are never stated in very clear terms. Something such as "Get on the 5:30 train to anywhere", which assumes the "5:30 train" will be there at 5:30, which was the case. I do agree with Terry that it seems unnecessary to give yourself "wiggle room" unless you know that something can be the matter with your prophecy, "something" being "It might not happen". I had always wondered why prophecies always sound like horoscopes. "Something positive is coming to you today". I suppose that a "positive" AIDS test result would still qualify as "positive".
It's also really weird that YHWH should always speak indirectly. If there were no room to argue about prophecies past, for example, then the people would have an easier time converting to whatever religion held the truth.
I don't remember where, but I read that Bertrand Russell used to say that, if he happened to meet God, he would say "Not enough convincing evidence", or the like. God should be reasonable enough, I believe.
Gosh, that brings back memories...they got the 7000 years out of one of the books o Esdras...seems the wt is allowed to get information, and use it, from any where. Not so the average jw...great info Terry....
Got no advice for "cramps"...hope she gets to feeling better...my 14yr old grand-daughter is a terror when it comes around here. Funny thing is I have more compassion for here than the wife and daughter. Go figure that.
It's also really weird that YHWH should always speak indirectly. If there were no room to argue about prophecies past, for example, then the people would have an easier time converting to whatever religion held the truth.
Yes. An important message that is garbled is inexcusable when the sender and originator is a SUPREME being.
The huge flaw in Christian thinking and faith is willingness to accept and poorly transmitted communication represented as Divine.
The GB position is : we tell the people things that they want to hear such as there is a new world coming soon
where death we'll be no more or pain and the evil that is evident on the earth today will be cast away.
And that god's own son has provided redemption for are sins right now. Whats wrong with that ?
We're just providing hope for the future in people's lives.
I had always wondered why prophecies are never stated in very clear terms.
I was out in service with a buddy of mine a few months ago (I still have to go sometimes, but i usually hop in a car with people that have a ton of return visits) and when someone at the door said bible prophecy was hard to understand, my buddy said that the big guy made it hard to understand so that people would have to work to understand to show their appreciation for it, if it was easy anyone could understand and then people would be lazy with it and not work for it.
Fortunately i was wearing sunglasses so no one could see my eyes rolling.
"*** Watchtower, 1987 1/1 p. 30 Questions From Readers ***
Second, a study of the fulfillment of Bible prophecy and of our location in the stream of time strongly indicate that each of the creative days (Genesis, chapter 1) is 7,000 years long. It is understood that Christ’s reign of a thousand years will bring to a close God’s 7,000-year ‘rest day,’ the last ‘day’ of the creative week. (Revelation 20:6; Genesis 2:2, 3) Based on this reasoning, the entire creative week would be 49,000 years long."so 1975 becomes the year 8914 CE????? lol theyre 'kin nutters!
I think the best excuse the Watchtower gives is "enthusiasm" for Armageddon. When they've made false predictions they aren't guilty of
false prophecy at all--it is simply "enthusiasm."
Isn't that cute?