We haven't been to a meeting or turned in a field service report for 2 months, so we don't know where our cong's memorial will be held this year. We have 3 options. Either 1)we attend a meeting before the memorial and get the info, 2) we call one of the elders and get the info or 3) we wait to see if they contact us and if they don't we just miss for the first time ever. I'll tell you one thing, if option 3 plays out, and we get no calls, that to me would be a clear indication of how much we really matter to the congregation, and remove any shred of guilt I still feel over my fade.
Like I said we have been MIA from the cong for 2 months, and quite irregular for much longer, and nobody seems to care. We haven't had any of the elders approach us or call us for a visit. They pretend like nothing has changed, they still schedule my wife and I on the TMS, even though we never complete the assignment. It sucks that nobody cares about us, but it's great that my fade is going well and ahead of schedule.
My question is, in your opinion, is 2 months of inactivity to soon to miss the Memorial. Would that spark too much unwanted attention from congregation? In other words, will I start getting calls from elders wanting to come over to "encourage us"? Do you think it's better to go to the Memorial and continue with the fade afterwards and just fall under the radar?