Porn - New study suggests it is good for society

by Elsewhere 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robdar

    I think porn has its good points and bad.

    It can wreak havoc on relationships, especially if the guy is sexually lazy or is a social reject who would rather wax his dolphin to a fantasy instead of getting to know and please a real woman. Oh, and lets not forget what excessive masturbation does to penile sensitivity. Other than that, porn is wonderful.

  • 144001

    Robdar, please elaborate!

  • Robdar
    Robdar, please elaborate!

    Gladly. Come over and let me whisper in your ear.

  • 144001

    Remember, Robdar, "bad associations spoil useful habits!"

  • SacrificialLoon
  • Robdar

    Oh, yeah? Spoil me, please spoil me.

  • 144001

    lol Robdar, be careful there, I'm a single man these days . . .

  • Robdar
    lol Robdar, be careful there, I'm a single man these days . . .

    And you are a fine looking man, I might add.

    Alas, I am no longer single but I smile when I think of all the lust you have aroused in me throughout the years.

    ~heavy sigh~

    Hey, are we highjacking?

  • 144001

    Thank you so much for the compliments, Robdar, and yes, we are hijacking! Off to private message land!

  • Gregor

    Hey, you porno fans. Idea. Get permission from your partner to bring in a third party to video your "inwardly, downwardly", thrusting and slurping routine. For accuracy sake, be sure it is complete with hairy close ups, shots of your spotty bums and of the most holy of holies. Finish up with the male casting his seed everywhere and anywhere except where it is supposed to go. Don't forget to grunt and groan like a pig. Pretty darned romantic, huh?

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