As far as the marriage issue goes, I think this particular rebuttal doesn't give the full story about JWs.
JWs are encouraged to remain married to their non-Witness spouses, with the hope that they can win them over "without a word" through their fine conduct. Marrying someone who is not a JW, as was said, is expressly forbidden, but if you're already married to one, you have to stay.
Separation is allowed under 3 circumstances: (1) Extreme physical abuse (which is a dubious scenario that can be up to the whims of your local elders), (2) Spiritual danger--the spouse tries to prevent you from attending meetings, field service, etc. (3) Willfully not providing for the needs of the household (assuming the non-JW spouse is male and the JW is female).
Divorce is allowed only if adultery occurs. Any other divorce is unscriptural and can lead to judicial action/expulsion.
Ironically, if a legally (but unscripturally) divorced couple has sex after said legal (but not scriptural) divorce, they are considered as committing fornication and subject to expulsion. Yet, scripturally, they're still married. How is that possible? Well, because the most important thing to the congregation is APPEARANCES. It doesn't look good because the couple isn't married in the eyes of human law. In this case, the JWs defer to man's law over God's and judge based on that.
While I intended to point out an inadequate discussion of that issue, I suddenly realized just how deeply flawed the beliefs are anyway. Go figure.