OTWO, those are interesting case histories. Thank you for sharing them! They confirm the bad impression I got from a slide show I was subjected to several years ago, showing how the Witnesses responded after one of the hurricanes. Yes there was a big crew, but all they had to talk about was helping this brother, that sister, putting a new roof on local Kingdom Hall. Nothing was said about helping anybody else! The speaker was rather clueless about how this comes across to outsiders.
Would You Like WatchTower Better if They Open a Soup Kitchen or Charity Thrift Store?
by cameo-d 36 Replies latest jw friends
Their soup maybe okay but you'd have to watch out for that "koolaid!!"
lipstick on a pig?
Would You Like WatchTower Better if They Open a Soup Kitchen or Charity Thrift Store?
I have so many But But Buts but the real bottom line is that I would like the Watchtower organization better yes, if they reached out in this present life, this current world, in a real way.
I wouldn't rejoin the religion for that reason, but I would be less vocal about my aversion and antipathy.
OTWO said:
Instead of just going to help out, they said members needed to be "approved" by their regional building committee to go help Katrina victims- "Don't just go and lend a hand. And stop donating 'stuff.' What we need is money- MONEY MONEY MONEY.
Heart breaking stuff. What a cult.
During Haiti all I saw from the Watchtower Society was "send money for the Worldwide Work". They never even had the decency to say anything like "We'll document what we spend in helping the people of Haiti so you'll know how your funds have been spent", nothing like that.
Bless all the dear open-hearted individual Witnesses who sent money.
Curse the cold-hearted closed-minded self-serving Governing Body and all their enablers.
It would be a step in the right 'Reformation' direction. One of the mindset difficulties of Apocalyptic religions is they can lack a multi- purpose agenda. Somehow in their mind to help people or the environment is to cause a delay or a distraction in Armageddon coming. Weird sense of power don't you think.....we humans can halt God. But that's Religion.
Would you like some coffee with that soup
I used to frequent a coffee shop near college because the coffee was good and the scones were cheap. My friends and I went everyday and loved the place. Then one day they locked the doors moved some screen and we discovered we were in the back of a church and were expected to take part in a carol service. We all headed for the door and demanded to be let out so we would not be late for college. We never went back.
It doesn't matter what they do how good the coffee is, if it isn't done to help and only done to advertise the org then it wouldn't be good enough. Too little, too late.
The lack of charity for fellow humans is endemic it is part of the doctrine it would require a huge cultural shift in the organisation that goes against years of conditioning. It does make you wonder how they can possibly believe they could deal with a worldwide disaster zone.