This doesn't happen a lot but every once in a while, on a day that used to be my meeting night, I'll get a weird feeling. It happened today. It's hard to explain what it is. In my mind I know that I don't have to go to the meeting. But I still get the same feeling that I used to get on meeting nights when I would go. I feel stressed out, almost like anxiety. I was at work thinking, "It's Thursday." So automatically, I started thinking, "Oh, no. I have to rush home, cook dinner, and get ready for the meeting." I started feeling a panic. I told myself it was all in my mind but the reaction I had wouldn't go away. I had to stop working for a couple of minutes and calm down. The rest of the day I felt on edge though. I felt irritable because my body thought that I wasn't going to be able to come home and relax for the evening but instead go to the meeting. Does this sound weird to you? Am I just being a drama queen as my mom likes to call me?
Does this happen to anyone else?
by doublelife 20 Replies latest jw friends
I'm not a JW but I think this is something like a fear of ever going back. From what I gather, things like this one are common. No, you're not a drama queen.
Have you been gone from the organization for a while or did you leave recently? I've not been since I was a teen but once in a while, I'll have dreams that I've been dragged to a meeting. I think that goes on permanently as an anxiety. I don't know.
Thanks, dgp, for telling me I'm not just being a drama queen.
Kgirl, I've only stopped going about 5 months ago. I quit cold turkey, didn't bother with fading. I've heard people talk about having dreams but I wasn't sure if people randomly got a feeling during waking hours like the one I described.
Oh, and welcome to the board, kgirl!
I've been out allmost 15 years and I still get meeting night anxiety almost daily.
As I'm reviewing what I need to accomplish that day, somewhere in my brain a voice says "is it meeting night?", followed very quickly by the awareness that it will never be meeting night again.
It's all over in less then a second. It's like when someone surprises you suddenly and you jump. For a very brief moment you are panicked and scared and in the next moment you realize it's just your friend and there is nothing to fear.
It's like PTSD.
Now that I think about it, habits die hard. I imagine mental conditioning dies hard, too.
Take it one day at a time and you'll make it.
aSphereisnotaCircle, you described it perfectly. I didn't think about it as being like PTSD but it is. I'm glad to know this is normal...well, normal for an ex-cult member at least.
well, normal for an ex-cult member at least.
I look forward to the day when I will have been a non-member longer then I was a member.
But that day won't come for many years.
The good part about it is how quickly it's over, it's just a flash of anxiety and then it's gone.
When we were dubs the anxiety was non-stop.
thanks doublelife. I hope your transition to just being who you wanna be gets easier. When you know in your heart you're a good person, nothing can take that feeling away from you.