you little trouble maker! This is funny as hell. You have just experienced the traditional dance of the squirming JW. I would have loved to see the expression on their faces when you took them off guard. Does it remind you of doing an interrogation with someone who has something to hide?
Before you go much further you should know that this discussion board is being monitored by the JW religion and that any information given to you or that you give out will be given to their legal department in an effort to cover their ass.
The JW religion has about a billion dollars sitting in their nonprofit bank account and they have legal resources that are used in an attempt to wear their accusers out financially.
You might want to email Bill Bowen from silent lambs directly to get specific cases and proper documentation. I know there was a court battle recently in the state of Washington that sent the asshole molester to jail. I guess the state of Washington is perpetrating lies just like all us evil apostates. Bill also has a contact with a woman who worked at the Bethel headquarters in Brooklyn and has direct knowledge of the JW policy to conceal molestation cases.
The policy has recently changed because of a few peoples efforts to expose this issue. The JW"s are great at changing things to fit their needs and to try and cover their ass. They call it "new light."
Personally I would not give them samples of the questions you are going to ask. They are not under arrest nor are they under criminal investigation. You are just a person who has some questions about a few of their religious policies and you just happen to be a cop.
Alan's suggestion of the small tape recorder is a good one. The JW's are masters of coming back once they are caught in a lie and saying "We never said that, you must have misunderstood."
Also why you are asking your questions, take notes or ask the person to give their full name to identify themselves in relation to their answers.
If you need help in the way of direct questions to ask beyond what you already have, just email me and I'll give you a few.
You crack me up Danni, this is great stuff.