My interview with Jehovah's Witnesses

by Danni 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • seven006

    you little trouble maker! This is funny as hell. You have just experienced the traditional dance of the squirming JW. I would have loved to see the expression on their faces when you took them off guard. Does it remind you of doing an interrogation with someone who has something to hide?

    Before you go much further you should know that this discussion board is being monitored by the JW religion and that any information given to you or that you give out will be given to their legal department in an effort to cover their ass.

    The JW religion has about a billion dollars sitting in their nonprofit bank account and they have legal resources that are used in an attempt to wear their accusers out financially.

    You might want to email Bill Bowen from silent lambs directly to get specific cases and proper documentation. I know there was a court battle recently in the state of Washington that sent the asshole molester to jail. I guess the state of Washington is perpetrating lies just like all us evil apostates. Bill also has a contact with a woman who worked at the Bethel headquarters in Brooklyn and has direct knowledge of the JW policy to conceal molestation cases.

    The policy has recently changed because of a few peoples efforts to expose this issue. The JW"s are great at changing things to fit their needs and to try and cover their ass. They call it "new light."

    Personally I would not give them samples of the questions you are going to ask. They are not under arrest nor are they under criminal investigation. You are just a person who has some questions about a few of their religious policies and you just happen to be a cop.

    Alan's suggestion of the small tape recorder is a good one. The JW's are masters of coming back once they are caught in a lie and saying "We never said that, you must have misunderstood."
    Also why you are asking your questions, take notes or ask the person to give their full name to identify themselves in relation to their answers.

    If you need help in the way of direct questions to ask beyond what you already have, just email me and I'll give you a few.

    You crack me up Danni, this is great stuff.


  • Reborn2002

    Stories like this never cease to amaze me.

    I speak from experience.

    When I was accused of something and brought before a Judicial Committee I wasnt allowed anyone else present, wasnt allowed to take notes, wasnt allowed to confront the accuser in person... but the Elders could take all the notes they wanted. They questioned me endlessly, but if I had questions.. it wasnt "relevant"

    Complete HORSESH1T.

    Their system might as well take us back to the Stone Age.

    Alas it was a blessing in disguise because it woke me up to their asinine ways.

    Anyway, I was at a friends house and the Witnesses came to his door so I held a nice chat with them. (his whole family ducked and turned off the lights.. shame to feel a prisoner in your own home for unexpected visits isnt it?) So I went: *laughing, tapping him on the shoulder "Let me handle this" sneer *

    Having been born into the organization with a grandfather who was an elder for 45 years, having a vast library of Witness literature, served behind bookcounter, held mics, read at bookstudy, aux pioneered, and on the flipside.. the darkside of the organization. been subjected to lies and accusations, malicious gossip, conditional love, a judicial committee, questioning doctrine with no biblical backing.. etc... I know all about both sides. So I had a little fun with them. One day maybe Ill go into extensive detail as to how that conversation went.. funny enough it was a teenage male and an older sister whom Id guess was a pioneer.

    Give em Hell Danni! Once they suck you in they go out of their way to make your life miserable, divide families, and deceive you about love, so a little getback is only deserved.

  • Englishman


    Just how involved have you been with JW's anyway?

    I'm curious that you use the term "Church", it's not an expression that one would normally encounter to describe a congregation.


    Bring on the dancing girls!


    Hey Danni,I`m happy you came to this board.Please let us know how this story plays out.Seven006 and AlanF are on the money and thats a fact...OUTLAW

  • Danni

    Englishman Danni,

    Just how involved have you been with JW's anyway?

    I'm curious that you use the term "Church", it's not an expression that one would normally encounter to describe a congregation.

    I have only known this person for six months.

    Yes I have to keep in mind to say congregation. I am not use to this term for religious places of worship. I will have to keep that in mind.

    GoldDustWoman Under what circumstances did your interview take place? Did you call the local KH? Did you lure them with the belief that you were considering studying with them?

    I would have explained all of that but, I had to rush back to work to sign up for my change in shift work tonight. (covering for a friend).You can see from my sentence sturctures it was a rush job.

    This is how the meeting took place: I didn't call them, they just popped up at my door this morning while I was having coffee. The ladies told me Joe (short form of his name) gave them my address. So they decided to pay me a visit. I got the impression from the books they had, that they may have been there to sign me up for a study..

    I asked them in and offered food and coffee. We began talking. They (not my doing) said they would answer any questions I have. That's when I began asking the questions, therefore if they were under the impression this was offical police business it's their own fault not mine. I never called them to come by. And yes I did ask for names but it was mainly a bluff to see his (man they were with) reaction because he was pissing me off avoiding the questions they offered to answer.

    I would never abuse power. I hate the abuse of power. I hate when those in positions over me abuse power.

    seven006 Personally I would not give them samples of the questions you are going to ask. They are not under arrest nor are they under criminal investigation. You are just a person who has some questions about a few of their religious policies and you just happen to be a cop.

    Yes I agree because it would appear to me that they would ahead of time tell others what to say. I want honest questions.

    If you need help in the way of direct questions to ask beyond what you already have, just email me and I'll give you a few.

    You can expect to hear from me I will need that help.

    If you end up going to this meeting, do record it. Experience also shows that JWs will often deny saying something they later regret.


    I wouldn't be allowed to do that becaue it's againist the law to record anyone without their prior knowledge. I am sure if they knew I was recording them they would make sure to bite their tongues on every question..

    I want to say this: I by no means believe the six million or so people (I have read they have) covered up child molesting. I don't believe Jehovah's Witnesses love their children any less than anyone out side of their religion. This is a bit shocking to me because, all of the years I have seen these people knock at doors they always seemed harmless people with boring lives. That's just how I viewed them. At the same time I cannot ignore the fact that, there have been children and women raped in places I would never have thought possible. My concerns now is to make sure if this is happening here where I live that anyone in the churches or congregations will not be afriad to come foward. I want the people who are putting their lives in others hands to know it's not a sin to tell on someone who's hurting you to the police. I must admit too. I am most curious about this religion now because of what I have heard here and read at the silentlambs page. You can say, You all turned me onto Jehovha's Witnesses. I have been reading like mad now. Even while working you should see my partner. He too Dave, is getting a kick out of this. What a creep LOL.

  • worf


    Its obvious to me that somehow you opened up a can of worms in that area with those witnesses. If they are inviting you to the hall to answer your questions it must be that they feel they have to defend themselves.I would not be surprised if because of your conversation, a number of the j-dubs there are questioning some things and/or have begun to look into things you mentioned.Sometimes it just takes a few words to get the spark going.
    Whatever the situation is, and no matter how far it goes, you've got them on the defensive here. Use that.
    But my suggestion is not to give them a list of questions in advance.
    All they'll do is prepare ahead of time to use stupid wt rhetoric as answers and lies as excuses.
    I wish I could be there with you.
    If they refuse to meet with you if you don't give the list ahead of time, F em.
    But continue your efforts to inform whoever you can. All you got to do is sow the seed.It'll grow. Its growing here in N.Y.


  • Danni

    Oh Dave not only is my partner getting a kick out this but he has very werid sense of humor. Just today at work he had the nerve to joke infront of others at the department saying " Hey Danni ,I think the Jehovah's Witnesses are behind the church fires" Yes everyong thought that was funny. I thought back on your words of "I am scared of female cops with guns" LOL I hate to think what I would have done to this creep if were alone ......Don't quote me hahaha.

  • Danni

    EnglishMan I read your story sad. You look very good for a man who was blown up. Glad you have your life back together and I see you have a very pretty wife and lovely child. Good for you. You ever hear the saying "the best revenge is success" you have indeed gotten your revenge.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hi Danni,

    Truth does not require a rehearsal.

    I would refuse to give them a list of questions. For one thing, such a list would limit the free-ranging style typical of a real conversation.

    Two thoughts - what would they do if a registered sex offender wanted to study the Bible with them and engage in the door-to-door ministry?

    Also - remember that abuse takes many forms, not just sexual. How many Dub wives and children are physically and emotionally battered by their spouses? In fact, it isn't unusual for a Dub wife with a non-believing husband to really boss the old man around...

    Have fun!

  • detective

    Hi Danni,
    I'm the one who mentioned the abuse of power issue, just to clarify. Mind you, I'm not saying you are abusing power but to be cautious so that it doesn't appear that way.
    I guess I want to know what your objective is. I know you are interested in a JW fellow and this may have contributed to your curiousity about his religion. Whatever transpired in your conversation between you and this other fellow, it's pretty safe to say he walked away spooked. Somehow, during your conversation this fellow ended up feeling some sort of pressure to respond to you. Only you would know how that might have come about but judging from the legalistic tones and the call to your supervisor, this guy is definitely intimidated. Since you are not acting in an official capacity, I really think you should consider de-escalating the situation.
    If your objective is to get a bunch of strangers spooked, which I don't think it is, then it looks like you've succeeded. If your objective is to learn more about the religion, then it'd be appropriate to turn it down a notch so that you can regain their trust and real conversation can ensue. If your objective is to get them thinking then it would also be wise to bring the tension down a bit, otherwise they are completely defensive and you won't have much luck. I think you became interested in the religion because of a person and if you don't want to alienate that person, you have to go to great lengths to make sure that your cop persona is not the one he is talking to.
    It's natural to be frustrated when talking to people who are evasive. I myself had to bite my lip a number of times when my JW friend intimated that I had the insight of a four year old because I wasn't just accpeting the ol' rigoromol(sp.) Yes, I could have had him for lunch, but it would have done nothing more than destroy the rapport between us. So, I would encourage you to look at your objectives. Decide what you want out of your discussions. If you want a solid friendship with that guy you've had your eye on, then you have to step back and work on rebuilding the trust that went out the window after your conversation with his friends. If you want to strut your stuff (I can't say I blame you!), then be prepared for the fact that you could damage all rapport and if that's okay with you- then I whole heartedly think you should go for it and do it with style! Just be sure of what it is you want to gain out of this situation and keep reminding yourself of their "victim" status. They don't always lie because they are evil, they sometimes lie because it is the only way to cling to their world view. Good luck with this. Keep us posted.

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