In short, no, hell does not exist. Would God actually do that to someone? No...that's not the way he operates. Hell is just translated as Gehenna, the place at which you sleep at death.
Does hell exist?
by notverylikely 79 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
In short, no, hell does not exist. Would God actually do that to someone? No...that's not the way he operates. Hell is just translated as Gehenna, the place at which you sleep at death.
In that case, Hitler got away with the murders of over 10 million people. Just go on a killing spree and then kill yourself. You won't have to worry about being punished for the rest of your life and since Hell does not exist, you won't have to worry about burning for it.
(all too easy, isn't it? God is not that stupid)
What sort of god stands by and allows a man like Hitler to kill millions of people, then waits for him to die and then tortures him for eternity as a punishment.
Why grant Hitler everlasting life just so he can suffer. And bearing in mind that according to the bible god said the nation of Israel would be slaughtered at the fall of Jerusalem and become homeless and persecuted, perhaps Hitler was just carrying out your god's purpose?
The only logical conclusion is that we are on our own on this hostile planet, for better or for worse. There are much more informative books accessing the human condition than that collection of mumblings you call 'the bible.'
At some point the most fervent Fundamentalist Pioneer (yes they are like the Pioneers ) will walk by a mural of some 12th century depiction of hell drawn by Catholics or Hindus and have that omygawd moment.
Its a journey to enlightenment, they'll get there....
'Do a little good each day'
I have watched several testimonies of those who give accounts of Hell but and I just watched this one that I haven't seen before.
For all you biblical scholars, Mr. Melvin provides numerous verses along with the account and not just the obvious ones. He discovered them on reading the bible after his experience, having formerly been an atheist and never having really read the bible. They provide numerous references which show the falsehood of the doctrines of soul sleep and annihilationism.
This also occurred to Ian McCormack and Bill Weise who's accounts are also on YouTube.
Anyhow, here's the vids
A Land Unknown: Hell's Dominion Part 1 of 7
A Land Unknown: Hell's Dominion Part 2 of 7
A Land Unknown: Hell's Dominion Part 3 of 7
A Land Unknown: Hell's Dominion Part 4 of 7
A Land Unknown: Hell's Dominion Part 5 of 7
A Land Unknown: Hell's Dominion Part 6 of 7
A Land Unknown: Hell's Dominion Part 7 of 7
Of course it exists. We've all been there:
Stephen, you do seem overly and easily influenced by these preachers. Flashbacks to Circuit Assemblies. Showboat time.
Scorpions with humans faces is that next, well at some point even the most fervent Literalists has to acquiesce.
Everlasting punishment is a myth and a lie invented by Satan. Hell is merely mankind's common grave. And it is assuredly not a fiery torture. Hell is a place where the dead are conscience of nothing, obviously feeling no pain. Thus Christiandoms's doctrine of hellfire is unbiblical. LET GOD BE TRUE 1952 PGS 88-99 AND REASONING FROM SCRIPTURES 1985 PGS 168-175
Everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels [Matt 25;41]
while still alive, they both [the beast and the false prophet] were hurled into the fiery lake that burns with sulphur, where they will be tormented day and night for ever and ever [Rev 20'10]
Father Abraham, have mercy on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water to cool my tongue, because I am in anguish in this blazing fire [Luke 16;24]
Where the maggot does not die and the fire is not put out [Mark 9;48]
weeping and gnashing of teeth [Matt 8;12]
hmmm, it seems that hell is a biblical concept, doesn't it? Sure, it's meaning has changed from just the land of the dead to different levels of joy and suffering from the dead, but clearly, hell is a biblical concept. Check the good book for yourself. Jesus actually spoke more of hell than of heaven. Some things were brought to more light after the good news was proclaimed.
Ever had a bladder infection?
Hell does exist. But for those of you who don't belive, you best hope you're right! just sayin'....
It's funny how those that don't belive in Hell, still sound like a good JW!