does the idea of aging get easier with time?
by paul from cleveland 49 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, ultimately you stop living and the idea dies with you. Finito!
i'm ok with getting older, i am not ok with going bald. or hair growing out my ears. or my nose. or my back. or having a hunch in my back. or yelling when i talk because i think no one hears me because the hair in my ears has clogged up my ability to hear. or having to take a leak every twenty minutes. or, well you get the idea.
I always envied the cultures which were smart enough to create a mystique about older people such as the japanese had for centuries.
The older you get the more respect you get.
But, that ended in the mid 60's when the yoot culture took over and superceded the mystique of the elder.
I remember when actors such as Clark Gable and Fred Astaire and Cary Grant would appear as leading men with young ingenues such as Leslie Caron and Audrey Hepburn, etc.
That is an artefact of a bygone era.
The only bad thing about growing older (I'm 63) is that our present day culture thinks it is all over by the time you pass 30.
That is just silly, of course.
People who smoke and drink and do drugs are probably fried by 30---but, those of us who never indulged look pretty good.
As you age you settle down and have nothing anxious to prove.
You get a better read on people and you don't need to have your way OUT LOUD AT THE TOP OF YOUR VOICE!
You grow more secure as you age unless you haven't been preparing all along.
The emphasis on youth and beauty is largely a consequence of the Cosmetics industry, Diet Gurus, Exercise equipment manufacturers and Vitamin and Juicer salesmen.
I feel exactly the same way I did mentally and physically as I did at 18. I'm not kidding.
I walk alot and bend and stretch and lift and all that rot without excess or over-indulgence.
Practical awareness.
The only real psychological downside to aging is observing your own face in the mirror!
My oh my---what a trip that is!
I think Dracula had the right idea: put a drape over the mirrors.
This is such a good thread because I've been thinking about it alot. I'll be 39 in April and then of course 40 so I was wondering what it's like? I still feel 18 as well Terry. I actually fell like society is much more forgiving now, like saying "40's the new 30" or whatever. I don't have a problem with aging really because I think there are a ton of things we can always do with ourselves to look our very best at any age. My problem is that now there is sooooo much I want to do in life and my life is half over! And I want to look good doing it! Idk. I'm in search of a little sports car right now though, what's that mean.
Aging sucks. But you can minimize its effects through healthy diet and regular exercise. I'm 44 now and in the best shape of my life! Exercise and proper diet are the fountain of youth! Drink up!
Drink what?
My mother, who deceased at age 88, had not a wrinkle in her face!
I used to marvel at her beautiful skin when giving her a bath.
I will be 57 in November and am told I look 37.
I don't want to age!
keyser soze
I do think a lot about getting older. I have an aversion to the elderly because it reminds me of my own mortality, and that someday I will be like them, with all the frailties and ailments. That's if I'm lucky.