Do you suppose NastiCanasta is a 'mole' from "Watchtower" Facebook Group?

by ziddina 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina

    (Sure hope this is the correct place for this topic)

    I was reading NastiCanasta's comments on a couple of threads, and it occurred to me that, since so many have gone into the Jehovah's Witness sites on Facebook and have - uh, let's say, 'played a role'...

    Do you suppose a few of those ardent, blindly faithful Jehovah's Witnesses have buzzed in here to wreak revenge?

    A - HA!! But "'Vengeance is MINE!', saith Jehovah"!!! [Bleah. Now I have to go gargle with Listerineā„¢...] So, JWs, if you're TRULY a good JW (well, if you WERE truly a "GOOD" Jehovah's Witness, you WOULDN'T be ONLINE in CHAT ROOMS!!! - that particular bit of hypocrisy has always given me a good laugh!) - If you're TRULY a good JW, WAIT UPON Jehovah!

    He'll take the server down or strike it with lightning or something... That is, if he really exists...


  • Out at Last!
    Out at Last!

    Most jw's avoid apostates at all cost, plus all the demonzzz on the internet, so I would guess that 99% would stay as far away as possible. I do believe that a select few at branches or from the motherland itself monitors these sites.

  • dissed

    Ziddina, - Mole conspiracy? I like intrigue, but.....

    I think he his just a bit of a nutcase. He was also talking smack about the Elders and I feel he really meant it.

  • spawn

    I don't think he is a mole but a sad little man with some major problems in his life. He seems to me to need to be antagonistic to the point of being personal.

    We don't need people like that here as it brings out the worst in people.

    Love and happy posts people!!

  • Think About It
  • Nephilim
  • beksbks

    OMG!! Nephilim!!! I'm not even sure what is going on with this Nasti person, but that made me LOL hard!!!

  • cantleave

    I love the way he says "my dad was High Ranking DO" as if that would make his comments on here more valid!

  • snowbird

    Zid, we think too much alike!


  • recovering

    "my dad was High Ranking DO"

    DOs are ranked? If so by what criteria?

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