Please post some comments under this story at
I copied my response here to that location.
by Mythbuster 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Please post some comments under this story at
I copied my response here to that location.
Cool, thanks!
Oh, the humanity of it all ... where is the love, the forgiveness? Cannot this poor lad get on with his life, and be a productive citizen? It is apparent that he wishes to some day become a pioneer, how will he fufill his quota if he can only knock up, er ... I mean knock on doors just once a week?
That's why they have phone and letter writing! No need for anyone on a sex offender list to go to my door. They can do pioneer hours without being tempted beyond what they can control or take the chance of some vigilante taking matters into their own hands when they see someone on their list knocking on their door.
poor impulse control
Isn't there 15 minute increments, incidental witnessing, telephone witnessing, letter writing witnessing, and such? This guy is OBVIOUSLY trying to get some "one-on-one" time with potential victims, because there are PLENTY of other opportunities for preaching beyond the door-to-door method!