Here's my cat Chocolate keeping me company.....she's 8 mos old.
Post your Kitty
by Yizuman 21 Replies latest jw friends
Should we start a Caturday thread here?
I don't have a kitty right now but love the Caturday pictures...I used to have several the color of yours..all
Hi Yiz! Awww... she's so beautiful. Her colouring is called tortoise shell, much like my cat Shadow was. Shadow has been gone now for a few years. I miss her. I hope to have a couple of cats again one day. Maybe when things calm down a bit in my life. Here is what Shadow looked like:
How do I post a picture?
awildflower ... to Post a Picture, you first must upload your photo to a site that hosts files. I use Photobucket myself.
Once you have uploaded your picture, copy the Direct URL of the picture into your clipboard. Come to JWN and in the Post a Reply window, click on the tree icon in the tool bar. Paste the direct url into the Image URL field and click Insert. I usually fill in the other 2 fields but I'm not sure you have to as I don't know if they are mandatory or not.
Give it a whirl!
This is my cat Bear. She turned up at our back door one day, a tiny kitten, skinny as a rake poor thing. So we took her in a looked after her and now she is fluffy and fat and has the run of the house. She's a spoilt little princess. As you can see, she likes to sit in unusual places and i couldn't resist dressing her up like a baby hehe
BorgHater x
I have never posted any pics before...i wonder why they have come out so small?
I use You right click on a picture you like on the web and then pick save it to 'your pictures' (it gives you a choice where you want to save it) and then go to and hit BROWSE then you OPEN it and it sends it to tinypic screen..then you hit upload (left click)and you get a address for the picture..
Or you can scan your own picture on your copier/printer and save it to your pictures and then go to and hit BROWSE ,you again will automatically go to your pictures where you (left)click on the one you want and hit open..then you will automatically go back to tinypic again.
Then you just hit upload again and it will give you several addresses you can use, the one for boards are usually at the bottom of the list(Direct link for layouts) and will look like this:(without line at bottom ) Copy the address down.
Then you come here and hit the green box at the top for image and insert the address on the first line image/url.and hit insert..
It will post the picture like this..
Clear as mud huh?