I don't even care about "no religion" in the world. I'd just be happy with no more borg-like faiths.
What kind of World would it be with NO religion ?
by wobble 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace...." -Jimmy Hendrix Religion=power power=control control=religion They are all one and the same..... 4
I think even Hendrix may have been an optimist, peace will only come when man ceases to desire to dominate other men.
I do think that the ideal place for peace to grow and become a reality is a World without organized religion, but it will take time, I shall be long gone.
agent zero
i'm with judge dread: impossible to answer. if there was no religion since the beginning, everything everything everything we know would be different, we would have a different understanding of everything, and it's not comparable to the world we live in now. but if religion were to suddenly not exist anymore when i wake up tomorrow, there would be a period of great confusion before everyone would be forced to cooperate together... although.. it would be a matter of time before new ideas about life devellop and new groups form all over again.. so.. impossible to answer.
My direct response doesn't rest on the character of a personality, it's that
we don't need everybody to believe in God or not for peace, but for there to be
tolerance about there being different categories (God or not God, political par-
ty, income level, etc.) which some people get too 'centric about. The 'centric
people of either stance about God and harshly enforced either as law of the land
(or were aggressively 'centric about race, nationalism, etc.), and not the nice
people of either category (or others) who wouldn't take part in such a thing,
have caused the most trouble.The idea of religion as synonymous with harsh control is a forced point which
mostly refers to the worse aspects of past history referred to above and what-
ever select aspects of the present fit the idea. But it should be taken along
with the fact that too many people of religion believe in separation of church
and state and tolerance for the ideas to be synonymous. Basically, we don't
need one race, one nationality, one choice about God, etc., for peace (which is
good, because we won't), but for people to be less 'centric and intolerant about
the variety.P.S. about "Imagine": I think it might have been one of a number of John's
songs which were "Paul wrote one, I'll write one" songs. It might have been
something in retrospect he would have wanted to be the second song on the White
album ("Jealous Guy" and "Gimme Some Truth" originated around then or during the
making of Let It Be) since John especially liked the white Album. That would ex-
plain the direction the idea took better than thinking he set out to write a
song to suggest a way the people of the world would get along better--"Back in
the USSR"--"Hymn to Chairman Mao and the Communist Manifesto." -
Religion seems to be a universal constant among virtually all human cultures. You may as well ask "what kind of world would it be if the element carbon didn't exist?"
Perhaps a better queston is, what would the world be like if religious tolerance were the norm?
Religion is not so much the issue, rather it's the attitude of "my religion is right, yours is wrong, and you deserve to die because of that" that is the problem.