Article in NY Post about Brooklyn property sale
by Mickey mouse 19 Replies latest jw friends
Sam Whiskey
Buildings worth Billions......???? And everybody that gave lifetimes of free labor is in the poorhouse? It truly boggles the mind...
Interesting... The lovely, historic bar is now a closet... Tore down an entire block of lovely old historic buildings... Tunnels that could withstand a "chemical warfare" attack... Members not allowed to have children...
Yeah, lovely people... Zid
A desk clerk, Eduardo, eagerly tells me their secret. "It's not what we do," he whispered. "It's who we do it for!" I move on.
LOL! No Comment Required!!!
You know if they built a senor living home they would signal a new direction to their members and the public. Somehow in the Apocalyptic mindset you can't setup long term care facilites and push the End of the world. sigh...........
'Do a little good each day'
Who will actualy benefit from the billions? None of the old tired and used up witnesses, none of the rank and file. I feel so sad what a waste of talent used to prop up this society of greedy, power hungry old men.
I got the feeling that the reporter was not entirely pro witness what a shame she didn't ask where the money will go?
This week, I was granted an inside peek into the world of folks who, despite their preaching and pestering, remain aloof and unknowable.
But what about the "trumpet blasts"? The "magnifying Jah's name"? The "preaching the good news of the Kingdom"? 100 years in the community, and people still don't know exactly what they stand for.
do we think the money might end up in some off shore investments for certain GB members to retire on?
hemp lover
"But what about the "trumpet blasts"? The "magnifying Jah's name"? The "preaching the good news of the Kingdom"? 100 yearsin the community, and people still don't know exactly what they stand for."
@ zoiks: Exactly what I thought, especially after reading the last line of the article: "We'll miss you. We never really knew you."
My uncle has been in Bethel since 1969. He's a New Yorker through and through and managed to avoid the layoffs despite his age. I can't imagine how difficult this move will be for him. Not that I care too much about his feelings, because he treats me like shit now.
The city is losing some of its soul
Not to worry. It's not a real soul. It's just a life force.