Has any GB member ever said, "I am one of the F&Ds class"?

by moshe 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • moshe

    The WT literature implies who the faithful slave class is, but has any member of the Governing Body ever said in print or publicly during a convention talk- "I am one of the F&DS class?"

    Suppose you see someone in a uniform that looks, uh, police-like, are they real police officers, security officers or just a singer in a music group. Until you see their badge and ID card, you don't know. I wonder what would happen, if you called bethel and asked to speak to someone from the "slave-class"? If no one from The GB is willing to say in print that they are one of the F&DS, then they are just pretenders aren't they?

    I asked one of the anointed once almost 40 years ago, if Bethel ever communicated with him- he was still waiting for a phone call and he was almost 80 back then!

  • cantleave

    Remember this gem from last year..............?

    *** w09 6/15 p. 22 pars. 9-10 The Faithful Steward and Its Governing Body ***

    9 In time, others were entrusted with weighty responsibilities. Paul and Barnabas, under the direction of holy spirit, were sent out as missionaries by the Antioch congregation. They also became known as apostles, although they were not included in the original 12. (Acts 13:1-3; 14:14; Gal. 1:19) Their appointment was confirmed by the governing body in Jerusalem. (Gal. 2:7-10) Shortly after that, Paul had a part in dispensing spiritual food. He wrote his first inspired letter.

    10 However, were all spirit-anointed Christians involved in overseeing the preaching work and in preparing spiritual food? No. The apostle Paul tells us: “Not all are apostles, are they? Not all are prophets, are they? Not all are teachers, are they? Not all perform powerful works, do they?” (1 Cor. 12:29) Although all spirit-begotten Christians engaged in the preaching work, only a very limited number—just eight different men—were used to write the 27 books of the Christian Greek Scriptures.

  • cantleave

    *** w09 6/15 p. 24 pars. 18-20 The Faithful Steward and Its Governing Body ***

    18 Similarly, today a limited number of anointed men have the responsibility of representing the slave class. They make up the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses. These spirit-anointed men oversee the Kingdom work and the spiritual feeding program. As in the first century, though, the Governing Body does not consult with each individual member of the slave class before making decisions. (Read Acts 16:4, 5.) However, all anointed Witnesses are deeply involved in the vital harvest work that is now taking place. As a class, “the faithful and discreet slave” is one body, but as individuals, they have various work assignments.—1 Cor. 12:19-26.

    19 What effect should the above facts have on the ever-increasing great crowd who hope to live forever on earth? As part of the King’s belongings, they are happy to cooperate fully with the arrangements made by the Governing Body, which represents “the faithful and discreet slave.” Members of the great crowd appreciate the spiritual food produced under the Governing Body’s direction. But at the same time, while respecting the slave as a class, members of the great crowd are careful not to elevate any individuals who claim to be part of that slave. No Christian who genuinely receives the anointing with God’s spirit would want or expect such treatment.—Acts 10:25, 26; 14:14, 15.

    20 Whether we are “domestics,” who are part of the anointed remnant, or we are members of the great crowd, let it be our determination to cooperate fully with the faithful steward and its Governing Body. May each of us “keep on the watch” and prove ourselves faithful until the end.—Matt. 24:13, 42.

  • moshe

    I still don't see a name- like: I am Bro Gooberingidiot and I am one of the F&DS class or-

    "-our next speaker is Bro Knowsitall from the Bethel service department, whis is one of the F&DS class"

    or "we gather here to remember our dear departed Bro Braindead, who was a faithful servant and one of the remnant and part of the faithful slave class."

    I want to see name - preferably in the first person tense.

  • cantleave

    No, but it narrows the definition down to 8 people.

  • blondie

    I do remember the articles about the graduation program of the Gilead students (twice a year), always names and identifies the speakers who are on the GB and those who are not.

    *** w04 6/15 p. 25 Gilead Graduates Go Forth as Zealous Harvest Workers! ***The opening remarks by Theodore Jaracz, a member of the Governing Body and a graduate of the seventh class of Gilead

    Next, Gerrit Lösch, a member of the Governing Body and a graduate of the 41st class of Gilead, developed the subject "Publishers of Salvation."

    *** w04 12/15 p. 23 Graduation Day—A Beautiful Day ***With those remarks, Brother Samuel Herd, a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses, began the graduation program of the 117th class of the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead

  • thetrueone

    As in the first century, though, the Governing Body does not consult with each individual member of the slave class before making decisions.

    What , there was a Governing Body in the first century......where in the bible does it mention a Governing Body ?

    In actuality the FD&S was just self asserting marketing ploy, exploited out of the bible to help with

    the viability of the WTS. A way of making the WTS. certifiably guided by god's channel of communication.

  • moshe

    I am wanting somebody to personally admit they are one of the F&DS. Hey, it's a gr-reat honor isn't it? This is getting as hard as finding a quote from President Obama, "I am a natural born US citizen". Everyone says he is a natural born citizen, but has he ever personally said so ? Has any member of ther GB said I am one of the slave class? A mealy-mouthed quote from the pages of the WT would not be acceptable proof for a court of law.

  • moshe
    - The opening remarks by Theodore Jaracz, a member of the Governing Body and a graduate of the seventh class of Gilead

    Blondie, I don't think you will ever find "member of the GB and one of the F&DS" in the same sentence- maybe not even in the same paragraph.

  • blondie

    moshe, so you need a taped talk or conversation.......................................................

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