I grew up Catholic and I never knew any; still don't. And I can't think of any Catholic I know who personally knows any. Compare this to how many disfellowshipped JWs you personally know.
How many excommunicated Catholics do you personally know?
by poppers 22 Replies latest jw friends
FatFreek 2005
My aunt, after her divorce and second marriage, was merely not allowed to take communion. However, she was not excommunicated -- and definitely not shunned. I grew up in a Catholic community (New Bedford, Mass) and knew nobody who was excommicated.
If Charlie Manson was a Catholic, he probably would not be excomunicated. But would probably not as a JW either. (see two witness rule)
I don't know any. About the communion thing, they don't even enforce that very much. It's mostly self-enforcement, from what I've seen. If you disrespect the Eucharist, you'll have to take that up with the Master later.
My mother-in-law was excommunicated.
My mother-in-law was excommunicated.
I'd like to know a little bit more, unless you want to keep it private.
My mother-in-law was excommunicated.
That makes one.
I'd like to know a little bit more,
Me too. Can you share? How is she treated by practicing Catholics?
None that I'm aware of, out of many hundreds I grew up and went to school with. If you don't want to be Catholic or follow Catholic teaching, you can simply quit going to church (though dealing with your mother is another matter). It makes sense: if the goal is reconciliation, why take action to alienate the "sinners", rather than rehabilitate them?
I know a few of their saints are not saints anymore..would they have been excommunicated?
Didn't they dethrone St Christopher?
What about St Jude?
And not eating meat on Friday, wasn't that done away with?
Was there a saint connected to that? lolIn todays paper the big discussion on the Catholic is "Annulments under Scrutiny". Sounds interesting but I haven't read it yet.
And finally no..I don't know anyone that was excommunicated but I do remember my grandma saying someone that was in the Catholic church was..but that was a longgggggggg time ago.
Annulment, that's a old term also..When my daughter got married to a Catholic she had to become a Catholic and vow to raise their children Catholic. (signing a legal paper)
my father was, late 1950s early 60s, maybe?
for divorcing my mother