Rise of Satanism now being recognised by mainstream media

by Weeping 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • nelly136
  • thetrueone

    Rise in the amount people suffering from mental health problems .

    Why do I think that Weeping is JW troll trying to scare people back to the Kingdom halls ?

    Or option B., a JW came to his door preaching that the would be a rise in Satan and his wicked

    evil forces around the world and Weeping has taken this information to heart.

  • Quentin

    classic isim paronoia and bashing...Satan, Mormens, Catholic Church, on and on...

  • Heaven
  • shamus100

    Golem abubadul gobot...

    Halo babel gomesh!!! Halo babel gomesh!

    There, I just put a curse on you, weeping. Enjoy! You should sprout chicken legs any moment now.

  • Twitch

    My master is glad you are sharing the fruits of his work and your reward will be waiting, as promised,...

  • WTWizard

    Are they really worshiping Satan, or are they actually worshiping evil? Many people that claim to be worshiping Satan are in fact only worshiping evil and the dark forces.

    The truth is, Satan was the one that tried to prevent Jehovah's Tyranny from taking full force in Eden. Satan's job was to watch after mankind, and he took this beyond his call of duty. Satan saw that there was a threat, and did what was necessary to neutralize it. Never mind that his boss, Jehovah, was the source of the threat--he was looking out for mankind, and did not care where the threat was coming from. I would hardly call that evil.

    I might add that Jesus died trying to do the exact same thing.

  • Heaven

    My master is glad you are sharing the fruits of his work and your reward will be waiting, as promised,...

  • Twitch

    Ahh, I see my familiar has taken an interest in your musings. I shall instruct him to accompany you in spirit and reveal the truth inherent in all the things you seek.

    Yours in darkness,....

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