Hi there, and happy New Year to all!
Recently, there have been great debates between people on this forum on the whole "evolution vs. creation" matter. While I'm not an expert on evolution, I do understand it to an extent, and while it may not be a perfect answer, it's a bilion times better than the literal explanation given in the bible for the origin of life (which I have so far not seen evidence for). Since I was very young when the Creation book came out, I never really read it, so I gave it an overview a few days ago (given how the Society can botch basic Christain theology, I was interested in how much better/worse they would do in science).
In my view, at some times they seemed ignorant of evolution (like when they didn't realize that when the peppered moth changed colors that was evolution. They seemed to think evolution would predict it to turn into a cow or something), and though they said they were being unbiased, using terms like "blind chance" to describe evolution clearly showed their predujice. My favourite part was when they implied that the theory of evolution ORIGINATED WITH THE DEVIL!. That's right, old Beelzebub got to Darwin! They also seem unaware that you can reconcile belief in evolution with belief in God and even the bible. They also said that the carbon 14 dating system used by scientist is so inaccurate, that they can be millions of years off. However, for the carbon 14 dating to be that much off would have required earth's conditions to be very unhospitable to humans, i.e. Adam& Eve could not have lived here 6,000 years ago. They did, however, quote from many sources, so I would like to know:
1. Are any of the quotes taken out of context? (something the society has done before). 2. If the quotes are real, how credible are the sources?
They made a big deal about the lack of "transitional fossils", which is probably my biggest gripe with evolution, but they also said later in the book that the bible is "historically accurate" and the "perfect word of God"(or words to that effect), so apparently their scrutiny only goes one way . Any other comments about the Creation book for those who have read it?
Go therefore and baptize the people in the name of the father and of the son... what the hell, we just need to bring up the yearbook numbers!