I was the victim of a FUBAR judicial committee. I have told parts of this story here in the past. As a MS in 1991, I was accused of lying by two married regular pioneers sisters, who were apparently jealous of my friendship (not romantic) with a single pioneer sister in our KH.
I was accused of lying about my field service time (one of them had been nosing around in my personal calendar that I had left on the front seat of my car -- apparently they did not think it possible that I had put in 120 hours one month because they hadn't seen me out that much.),
I was also accused of lying about having a crush on a single pioneer sister in our congo (who was very close friends with the secretary of the congo...a little too close for the tastes of many as he was/is married). Most of the regular pioneers, with the exception of two elderly pioneers who would have backed me, were invited into a supposed "investigation only" meeting. Little did they or I know that it was really a judicial committee. It was not a committee of 3 elders. It was the entire BOE of I think 6 or 8 at the time.
The elder who was chairing it (the secretary), went down the line one by one and asked each pioneer sister "do you think Brother Bailey lies, yes or no?" If any answer other than "yes" or "no" came out, they were interrupted and asked "yes or no." The consensus was all yes. (Years later, the single sister told me she was pressured by the elders to say yes though she didnt believe it....shortly after that meeting, she moved away. I hear she is still single, still a pioneer. Poor girl. 50 with no future.)
I was also accused about, of all things, claiming to have lied about coming up with the idea to have my cinnamon roll heated with butter at the local donut shop and telling everyone that it was my idea. WTF? How petty. It was the donut shop owner who suggested it. I just passed the idea along. But that was how petty things got, the BOE wanted the troublemaker MS gone and they were developing a portfolio of lies for me.
After we were all dismissed, they told me to stay while they went downstairs to talk. They then, after awhile, came back and told me I was being judicially reproved privately, being removed as MS and pioneer, and "restricted" from public prayer for a single month. Just enough to keep me off the pioneer list for a year and MS for 3.
So that's my personal FUBAR JC story... and here is a big fat middle finger to KS, the chair of that committee...now an elder in another nearby KH.
I know of an elder who kept files on his computer of everyone in the congregation. A young brother moved in with them temporarily, was using the computer and found them.
Not on a computer to my knowledge, but the former secretary of the Carlyle, Illinois congregation had a manila file folder in the elder's cabinet on every single publisher in the congregation... including me. Kind of a CIA kind of thing he had going on.... mundane and extremely personal notes with lots of his opinions on the perceived spirituality of each person. Completely unauthorized even by WT cult standards.
Only he and the PO (the only 2 elders before my arrival from MTS) had keys. When I requested a key, I was told only they could have it. I went to the CO... CO made them give me a key. I found the files and I cleaned house. When I was done, there were 3 large black Hefty trash bags (the kind you find on construction sites) full of files that had to be burned. Oh did I start a fire fight with those actions! I made sure that select gossipers in the congo were made aware of the existence of the files so that they would be careful. That guy was hated by all in the congregation. Though his wife claimed the opposite and said she was the "Mother" of the congo. AFter the arrival of us three MTS grads, two of us who were elders, the MS appointed not long after I left, the secretary left not long after me.
That congo had so many "investigations" going on into people's personal lives. It was why myself and 2 other MTS grads were sent in. I left after 4 months. I couldn't take the paranoia and the 150 mile round trip from my house to the territory several times a week. Don't know if the congo still exists or not, or if it does if the other two MTS guys from my class are still there.
Even around Bethel, the congos are fouled up. I was at WT Farm as a temp and heard more abusive language in the locker room before lunch than in some biker bars. I know of congos in the Bronx, Harlem, and Brooklyn that have very screwed up elder bodies. Be interesting to see how many of those congos will continue to exist once WT exits the city.
So all of these stories are very believable. I have stories of JC's I "served" on. Served is a poor word choice. As chairman on a couple of them, I had to shut down lines of questioning that were very unnecessary and very intrusive, especially about sexual misconduct. The elders involved in those JCs hated when I was chair. It didnt happen often that I was, but our cases were better handled because I tried to give as much dignity to a very undignified arrangement as I could. It was those JCs that told me something was very f**ked up about the whole arrangement.
Snakes (Rich )