The JW's teach a two prong approach to the Second Coming of Jesus.
Most religions dont teach that.
To JW's there is the Presence (parasoia) which began in 1914 when (according to JW doctrine) Jesus gave Satan the boot, and began to "rule in the midst of his enemies" (kind of have to ignore that whole "rule" word huh?)
And then there is the COMING (erchomai) when Jesus actualy begins his rule.
They use the NT's allusion to the "days of Noah" as proof for this.
The presence was equated with the warning era when Noah was building the ARK, and then the Coming is equated with the rain and the flood.
According to JW we are in the midst of the parasoia....
When Jesus's COMING (erchomai) arrives then is when he starts officially ruling.
It has been awhile so correct me if I am wrong...