So my congregation just had their Circuit Assembly on 3/14. Recalling the thread about "Facebook Sex", I told a non-witness friend at work that after this assembly is over he would notice one of our mutual friends would either lower his time on FB or delete it altogether. Sure enough, come Sunday night, his profile was gone. I asked him about it and he said, "The dang thing was making me possessed."
Fast forward to now. I just asked a DF'd friend of mine if they mentioned Facebook at the assembly. He said they did along with MySpace and Twitter. "Sex texing" was also mentioned from the stage in association with Facebook.
Without asking, he went on to tell me that they said "don't let your family eat up all your time because you won't have time for the meetings."
Anything quoted above was his words and not directly from any speaker.
I find it sad and frustrating that my once close friends are starting to get serious about this religion.