Just sharing
The Internet: Where religions come to die
by darth frosty 2 Replies latest jw friends
Darth Frosty (my brother)
I could only watch 3 minutes of that video and I began to loose my mind. I lost it at the point where the nut job said "Im and Divinity and Man combined into one".. and then there were the kids (probably 15-18 year old girls) takling about the "miracle" of being accepted and healed by him.. Of course the subtitles pit a fine point on it that the guy is serving jail time for sexual misconduct with minors...
Basically IMHO religion is the farthest thing away from true spirituality. What rampant abuse of power, greed and outright stupidity flourish in these organizations is astounding!
Thanks for sharing :)
Darth Fader...