As the number of XJWs grow and they post on different discussion groups, in all the different languages,, this must strike many of the Governing Body with terror, that is if any of them use the Internet, and for all we know they all may have their head so far up their ass that they stay off the net, being old and set in their ways, but there might be a few who do surf the net, hey they may even enjoy a little porno too while there at it.
So perhaps the real old geezers don't go on the net,, being even too feeble to punch the key or see any purpose to it and so the Internet remains a big mystery to them because they just don't get it.
Those in the Legal Department at Bethel probably do more Internet stuff and perhaps they keep the real dumb GB abreast of things from time to time in language their dried out low functioning brains can grasp.
So depending on how up to date the individual Governing Body member is with the power and uses of the Internet, to that extent they fear the proliferation. The Governing Body fears their being exposed to the world and its members, that fear increases as we increase and the Internet grows and becomes more common through out the world.
Fear of this world exposure will make the Governing Body make less and less trips to different branches because there is so much dirt on these guys passing around all over the Internet they don't know which branch members are reading this stuff. I'm sure they are not the big hit they once were before the net and it can only get worse and worse.