Still waiting to hear from you, Christians. I can't make up my mind until I've heard both sides of this issue. - parakeet
First, I am a Christian - follower of Christ, not an organization.
My two cents on what atheism is? Atheism is not faith in disbelief. It is a lack of faith or belief in anything that cannot be proven by science. I do not believe that it is a religion.
Being an atheist does not make you a bad or a good person. Neither does being a Christian. Our deeds tend to show this, but then again, we all make mistakes.
A righteous person (not a self-righteous person) is someone who believes and trusts in God. By this definition, you cannot be both an atheist and be a righteous person... but I don't see why that should bother an atheist in the least.
I do not mock the atheist for his lack of faith. From my point of view, that is between him and God. From his point of view... there is no God, and my thought means nothing.
However, I am mocked for my faith-- for my belief in my 'invisible friend in the sky' or my belief in a 'fantasy afterlife', because I cannot cope with life or do good unless there is a reward. I am foolish, ignorant, uneducated and gullible. I unable to reason, unable to think for myself, etc, etc...
I assure you, I examine my beliefs in scripture with my experiences and knowledge of science, as do many believers... and I do not find a conflict between the two. Science can neither prove nor disprove the existence of God, and until that changes, then I am as entitled to my faith as you are to your lack of faith.
To be fair, however, the atheist has also been mocked by the believer, for all of the things you and others have mentioned in this post. But speaking to all the atheists who assert that atheism is not devoid of goodness... do two wrongs make a right?
If you're tired of being mocked by a believer, then by all means, say so. I know I'm tired of being mocked by the atheist. But I don't go out and mock a group of atheists in protest... which seems, at least to me, to be the intent of this post. Or perhaps I have mistakenly heard sarcasm where there is none?
If so, then I apologize.