Welcome to the fun house!
I'm new here
by Diamonds 35 Replies latest jw experiences
Though I'm not a JW, I feel I have found lots of interesting people here. I hope you will, too. Welcome!
Welcome to JWN, Diamonds! Life with JWs when you're not one is always a huge balancing act. Glad you weren't sucked into the madness directly. But those of us on the fringe with family in still get singed (aka burnt a little). I don't talk to people about the JWs unless they bring up a topic that suits it. But if they do, I let them know that they are a cult and to stay away. I've also let my bro and his kids know about what I've learned since doing my research. He's been burnt too and doesn't want anything to do with them. I try to make him understand what mind control is all about and how it can harm people. Maybe one day our family will be whole again.
To Under The Radar,
The person who did the paper on cultism wasn't me - it was Coffee House Girl!
under the radar
Oops! Sorry, Diamonds. My mistake. I do look forward to hearing more from you. Thanks for introducing yourself.