Isn't it time to speak up? Take the giant step! On Tuesday, March 30,2010, after sundown, is the biggest event in the Jehovah's Witness world. Over 17 million people are invited to attend their memorial. This is an ideal time to speak up to those attending by standing in front of Kingdom Halls with eye catching signage. Protesting has proved to be a positive force in exposing the Watchtower Org. Granted most loyal Witnesses will totally ignore the signs, but their relatives, friends, return visits, Bible studies, and those having doubts will be inquisitive and will ask the Witnesses questions. If you want to protest in front of a Kingdom Hall private mail me and I will send you free signs. You just have to pay shipping. You will experience and unexpected pleasure in exposing the evils of the Watchtower Org. If you can join us in Wilmington Mass. we would like to hear from you. "what happens when you do nothing...nothing".
Free signs for Memorial night protesters!
by koolaid-man 40 Replies latest jw friends
Most here don`t like the WBT$..Niether do I..
Most here would Protest,your Protest of the Memorial..
Your not going to acomplish a frigg`n thing..
Your simply going to make it harder for us..
To get our Friends and Family out of the WBT$ Cult,Jehovah`s Witness`s..
If you don`t know why this will do More Harm,than Good..
You don`t understand the Jehovah`s Witness Cult,as well as you think you do..
Let them have thier Memorial in Peace..
.............................. ...OUTLAW
I watched Fearon's videos on youtube, and that parade appears.... stupid.
People with those signs, and longlonglong web adresses on them ( looks like idiots.
If you have nothing to lose from it (already been DF'd/DA'd or otherwise branded an apostate, or you don't care if you are) I say go for it. I think there is potential to encourage some of the studies etc to take a closer look at what they're getting into. It could even be fun!
I would agree that very long web addresses aren't ideal on protest signs, though.
IMO a better thing would be to place small tracts in the car windows so some may actually read them not big signs which will encourage witnesses to look the other way as they are encouraged to do. Plus they will be in a group so peer pressure will also move them to look the other way. Visitors and wts studies will be told that protesters are evil sinners who are liars and were df and they persecute witnesses which is another sign that wts is a true org.
All exJWs accomplish when they do these sorts of stunts is to reinforce the GB's teachings that exJWs are off the wall apostates.
It's not like it was 20 years ago. Most JWs have access to the internet and if they want to they can access all sorts of damning stuff about their religion. Marching in front of a Kingdom Hall may give the marchers a charge but it will accomplish little else. But maybe for some that's what being an exJW is all about...getting a charge!
Its March 30th? Ha...I thought it was tonight...LOL...not that it matters to me.
Just re-enforces the stereotypes.
There's more of a chance of me going to the memorial than standing outside with a sign on like a dweeb.
Why not just attend the Memorial at your favourite Kingdom Hall and drink up all the wine.
Nathan Natas
Rick, I can reject the emblems from the comfort of my living room while I'm watching "SPARTACUS: BLOOD AND SAND" on the boobs-toob.
Why would I want to go down yonder to the Kingdumb Hall in the valley of the shadow?
"Do as thou wilt is the law."