Join former Jehovah's Witness and Watchtower historian Richard Rawe on his telephone conference call. His special guest tonight will be Dr. Jerry Bergman, author of the book "Jehovah's Witnesses and the problem of mental illness". and former Bethelite, Joe Anderson, Barbara Anderson's husband. Richard's program is like a radio talk show. The listening audience will be able to ask questions and involve themselves in Dialogue. The program starts at 6:45 p.m.EST. It's easy to get on the call, just dial (712)432-8710 and when asked for pin use 9925. For more information. go to
Dr. Jerry Bergman and Joe Anderson on Dialogue Saturday March 20,2010
by koolaid-man 11 Replies latest jw friends
Bergman is a pathetic, failed buffoon. I don't know why anyone pays any attention to him.
BTW Joe Anderson was an elder for many years and was also a Bethelite prior to his marriage to Barbara and when he and Barbara were there as a married couple.
Sad to say, Joe won't be able to be on this today. But it sounds like you will have alot to listen to.
dude, change your avatar.
Mickey mouse
What did Jerry Bergman do that was so terrible? I can't say I'm familiar with him.
Jerry Berman is a history denying, young earth creationist, Answers-in-Genesis, guru (and an ex-jw) who never got over the persecution complex
Here is a review of a debate he did last year with PZ Myers on Kittywhumpus' blog
It was soon after this that he brought up Hitler. Hitler had enormous support from the scientists, he said, holding up a book called "Hitler's Ethic: The Nazi Support of Evolutionary Progress." Oh, man. Really? Did you have to? See, right up until then, I was just feeling sorry for his rambling and inferior performance, and then... he brought up Hitler. No scientists, he said, openly opposed Hitler. Really? You want to say that again? You want some time to think about it, first?
Jerry Bergman is riding a wave pure and simple. He has no depth.
wha happened?
Every clown has an audiance