D wiltshire: "I brought the books "Crisis of Conscience", and "Combating Cult Mind Control" and read them in the front rows while the assembly was in progress"
ROTFLMAO; very good, I like that!! Style!
People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...
Thanks for your personal story. I know it will be a help to some who may be just now be entertaining doubts.
We were already out when Franz wrote COC, primarily due to coming across some Rutherford's books at a used bookstore.
But, truly Franz's book still was a great revelation as what actually goes on with the governing body. I recall having a true gut reaction, when I learned these so-called spirit inspired governing body members actually 'voted' on issues of all sorts. You could be a governing body member and actually have an extremely different interpretation of scripture, or an opposing viewpoint re any sundry isusue, but if your thoughts/interpretations were out-voted, then you simply complied with the majority. I was shocked! But it clarified so much at the same time.