Health Care Reform Bill Passes - Now What?

by BizzyBee 118 Replies latest jw friends

  • leavingwt

    It will be interesting to see if the GOP embraces a one word platform: "Repeal".

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Everytime heath care reform is talked about we always hear that there is no money for it yet there always seems to be billions of dollars available whenever we see the need to bomb someone. I would suggest we go use that cookie jar for health care.

    I think the bill passing is a small step in the right direction.

  • PEC


    You numbers say 52% want a health care bill.


  • B-Rock

    Well sure Philip. If you had a brain tumor. You'd want it removed. But not by taking a shotgun blast to that part of yoru head. People want reform. Just not this thing.

  • restrangled

    I'm absolutely thrilled some in Congress took a step in the right direction, albeit a small step.

    The republicans had plenty of time to do the same but pussyfooted around with waging war instead of taking care of their own. Now they're all screaming "foul".

    Why don't they get busy and address some of the following concerns instead of fighting the first step? It would certainly guarantee there re-election in November. Step up to the plate and quit whining.


    Stop any increases in premiums.

    Stop any rejection of coverage for adults for pre-existing conditions...the same as for children.

    Stop the pre-existing coverage lapse of one year for all.

    I wish at this point I had hope of getting insurance, but it's no dice for quite awhile. I am happy for those with sick children who will now be able to get coverage, and be able to cover their older children on their policies.

    In our case, we're too old at 50 for a decent price with pre-existing,.....about the same as a house payment, too much income for medicaid, but not enough to purchase insurance....if we could actually get coverage.

    There is much more to be done and it's going to take everyone working together to get it accomplished!


  • dinah

    Apparently we all fly the American flag upside down.

  • skeeter1

    What's next?

    Amnesty for the illegals, of course. The Democrats will need the votes.

  • beksbks

    Skeeter, need I remind you it was Ronald Reagan who implemented the most far reaching amnesty program in history?

  • skeeter1

    beksbks, yes both sides will do immigration if needed for power.

    Now there is even more need.....Texas border skirmishes, terrorism, failing states economies do to many services given to illegals without income tax revenues.....

    So, I figure this Immigration Reform is truly ripe to get done ASAP. If the Dems are seen as doing it, then the Dems will get their votes.

  • skeeter1


    No, we can't fly our flag upside down. But, since the Chinese own our debt, which is going to balloon out of control, we will be placing our flag BELOW the Chinese flag.

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