New book: "Confessions of a Teenage Jesus Jerk"

by Gopher 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gopher

    A new novel written by an ex-JW received a mainly positive review in today's Minneapolis newspaper. The author posted on this board about 2 months ago under the username "mutinyinheaven" , but hasn't posted since.

    The book is available through

    Reviews: "Confessions of a Teenage Jesus Jerk"

    Last update: March 21, 2010 - 2:04 PM

    By Tony DuShane (Soft Skull Press, 224 pages, $14.95)

    In many ways, Gabe is a typical adolescent boy, but in one very important way he is not: He is a Jehovah's Witness. In addition to all the usual struggles a teen boy faces, he must deal with the embarrassment of preaching door to door, the scrutiny of church elders who watch his every move, and the threat of being disfellowshipped (thrown out of his congregation) for any error in judgment. No wonder he questions his sanity. The novel follows Gabe from middle school through high school along a journey of faith, questioning and, ultimately, growth. There are lighthearted scenes, such as the one in which Gabe arranges to sit beside the beautiful Jasmine in the back seat of the car as they go out preaching, and there are poignant scenes, such as much later when Gabe learns that Jasmine is engaged. I was drawn to the book by the cover's comical illustration and the recommendation by Janet Fitch, author of "White Oleander," who called the book, "Addictive, informative, heartbreaking and utterly satisfying." The book was very readable, and I did learn a lot about the Jehovah's Witnesses and even more about the thoughts of a teen boy (sex, sex, sex and sex). Heartbreaking and utterly satisfying? Not so much.


  • mutinyinheaven

    thanks for posting this.

    there has been great publicity for the book with links globe, sf chronicle, etc.

    since the reviewer insulted janet fitch in this review, it won't make it on the press page on the website. that's just lazy reporting and her dislike of the sexuallity in the book should've been conveyed with more thoughtfulness as to why she felt it didn't belong.

  • Purza

    I read the book and I really enjoyed it. I would get a knot in my stomach when "Gabe" was talked to by his father - weird.

    Anyway, it is very entertaining.


  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    good title...

    I might just pick it up and read it on a plane one day

    The Oracle

  • tenyearsafter

    I am reading it now...through the first few chapters and it is a good read. It certainly scores a bulls-eye in describing what it was like growing up a JW. I could particularly relate to the discomfort of running into school friends while out door to door and the snarky questions about being a JW from "worldly" kids. I am looking forward to getting back to reading more...

  • drose

    Bought it and read it. Thought it was greatly entertaining. All the facts he included were true. He is going to be a great writer.


    I'm placing this on my "to read" list. I don't care for the title. Jesus has about as much in common with JWs as small-neck clams have with humans.

  • undercover

    Sounds interesting but the title confuses me.

    Since JWs tend to lessen the importance of Jesus in their theology and put all their salvation hopes and give their complete worship to Jehovah only, shouldn't the title have been, "Confessions of a Jehovah Jerk"?


    Undercover, my initial suspicion is that the publisher, with little or no knowledge of Christianity or psuedo-Christian cults, just lumped the story in with the rest of what so many secularists condescendingly refer to as "Jesus freaks."

  • ItAintTrue

    Great book-brought back many memories of field service, assemblies and the taboo of everything not JW related.

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