Do you think Dinosaurs will be in the New System?
by asilentone 38 Replies latest watchtower bible
The Oracle
Do JWs still teach that the animals were in perfect harmony before the flood?
I would think it would be pretty tough to sell the masses on that one given all the carnivorous dinosaurs....but wait maybe they weren't meat can we be so sure?
The Oracle
XD I used to think that they would be! I was told that God might bring back some dinosaurs in the New System, but obviously they'd all be vegetarians there.
I used to ask that when I was kid. My said the dinosaurs were there to "flatten the Earth" before humans could use it!
An elder who used take our study genuinely believed all extinct animals would be resurrected including the dinosaurs, so I wanted a pet T.Rex not a bloody boring lion!
Do you think God was just practising & seeing how large he could make creatures that could withstand the pressures of gravity?
AND why were many of them flesh eaters with the ability to tear each other apart?
Why was God creating slashing claws & carnivorous teeth?
I suppose in some way dinosaurs are beautiful & definitely fascinating to humans...............especially little boys
That evil Satan, leaving bones lying around in the shape of strange creatures that never existed. They would have been on the ark if they were real.
What is this "New System" you speak of?!
keyser soze
Just dragons, because they're awesome.
Didn't we already have this thread about 2 weeks ago, and wasn't it established that the mighty hunter Nimrod killed the last dinosaur?
Jesus returns to Earth to rule for a 1000 years: