I have been around for a long time especially since Simon was running his site. Just came back. Had an ex-husband who was a meth-head but claimed to be a JW for many years. My research through Randy Watters and the others that followed totally turned me off of organized religion. I used to be an active believer in Christianity since my youth but now am an agnostic.
Introducing myself
by drose 13 Replies latest jw friends
hi and welcome....bet your life sucked with your ex husband....glad you are now free....
DROSE- Welcome to the board. Nice to have you. I too had a brief marriage years ago to a " meth head ". It was hell on wheels as I'm sure you are quite aware ! Nice to hear from you and look forward to your posts and thoughts
four candles
Welcome Drose,good to see ya.
Rock on good people.
Welcome to this great forum Drose.
Welcome to JWN, drose! Glad you are no longer with the abusive relationships of your ex as well as the JWs/WTS.
We need more agnostics around here. Welcome.
Hello Drose, welcome. How in the world did he hide being a meth head? How often was he using? Glad that you are out of both of those situations!