Is Atheism a 'Personal Rebellion' Against God?

by leavingwt 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • drwtsn32
    Otherwise, the statement is a non-sequitur.

    I thought that. An atheist rebelling against God is like an atheist hating God. Perhaps it would have been better worded as "a rebellion against the concept of a god," but we know what the intended point was.


    I don't think that atheism is a "personal rebellion against God" rather I believe that it is a suppression of the truth (Romans 1).

  • wobble

    It interests me that in any debate about is there or isn't there a God with believers, the first thing they go back to is the wonders of creation, the complex universe, which "must" have had a designer etc.

    I am typing this on a computer, which needed a designer, whose intelligence I necessarily respect, but that does not mean I am going to WORSHIP him or her.

    So just because "creation" is wonderful, even if there was a designer, why should I pay any attention to that designer, why should I obey that designer ?

    And anyway, the designer of this computer has never spoken to me, so I could not either obey or rebel. The same applies to this God chap or chapess, he/she has NEVER spoken to me, so how could I rebel ?

    I agree with the poster above, this "philosopher" is a farking idiot.



  • Robdar

    My time as an atheist started as HATRED for God. It went hot and heavy from there until it burned itself out.

  • d

    I do not think so.I do not believe in God because belief in an in nonexistant being who does not care about you is stupid.It is sad to think that it is the 21st century and peole still believe in primative God's.We are better than that.

  • NewChapter

    If I don't believe in the boogie man in my closet. I don't believe in the flying spaghetti monster, I am not rebelling against the boogie man, or against the spaghetti monster. I am not even rebelling against the concept of such things. I am simply accepting the facts as I see them. Why does there always have to be the secondary thought that I must have been terribly hurt, or I am angry. or I am rebelling. No. I'm not mad at the boogie man, and I was relieved when I quit believing in him. I'm not mad or rebelling against the flying spaghetti monster, because he is fictional, but fun to talk about.

    I would never ask a theist if they are rebelling against reality or science, because that would be insulting. They believe what they think is true, and I believe what I think is true, and there are no revolutions on the horizon.

  • cyberjesus

    isnt it funny when people tell you why you dont believe what you dont believe... specially if they dont know you?

  • tec
    Isnt it funny when people tell you why you dont believe what you dont believe... specially if they dont know you?

    It is, I agree.

    Its just as funny when people tell you why you do believe what you do believe... specially if they don't know you.


  • cyberjesus

    what if they know you? :-)

  • unshackled

    There's an invisible aardvark names Eddy that lives in my attic. He is the supreme ruler of the universe. If you don't believe in him then you are personally rebelling against him. May Eddy have mercy on your soul.

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