About 32 years in. Mother became JW when I was about 2 years old.
The final straw was when I asked for a shepherding call on hubby and I, they were of no help at all. Instead they attacked hubby about working and how he should be doing more in service/meetings. (Hubby was already mentally out, I was trying to spiritually "save" us).
I was mad as a wet hornet! They criticized. They looked at the pictures of family weddings I had framed and said that we would want our children to marry a JW. They talked about how the annointed would be given positions higher than the angels.
It made no sense and revealed their lust for power, and inability to really spiritually help an individual. I felt our family was spiritually dying and they were my last hope.
I think that was the last straw. It also may have been the last assembly we attended where I wanted to get up and scream "LIAR! That's not what that scripture is saying!" It was some hog wash about an anti-type. As loyal as I was, I never bought the anti-type crap. I just pushed it to the side. We left at lunch time. I had a hard time staying until then, but hubby said we needed to not cause a scene. We went back to the hotel. You have never seen two little kids so happy! They were on cloud nine that we weren't going back! We spent the next day at the zoo where I felt a million times closer to God and spiritual than any day in a Kingdom Hall!
Thankfully in all my auxilary pioneering I never had a study or brought someone into the cult. There were so many baby steps that led up to these last straws, but these are the final deal breakers for me.