Who has more morals? JW or other religions?
by asilentone 10 Replies latest watchtower bible
Morals? JW's!
Mercy? Other religions!
I think otherwise in some cases.
Can you quantify morals?
Snowbird, good answer!
keyser soze
Can you quantify morals?
A good point, actually. The way JWs define morality, and the way some other religions, and the rest of the world for that matter, define it can be quite differen't. To many people, being moral involves helping your fellow man, and contributing positively to society. How do JWs compare in this regard?
JWs have more RULES regulating morality than many other religions. This in itself does not indicate that as a people they have higher morals. It merely means that they APPEAR to have higher morals. And given the amount of dishonesty and manipulation evident in the way the wheels turn, it becomes kind of a moot point.
The WBT$ teach`s Jehovah`s Witness`s to LIE.
"Theocratic Warefare Stratagey"..
How many Religions do you know of,that Specifically teach thier Followers to Lie?..
...................... ...OUTLAW
Don't confuse the following of rules with morals. JW's are great at following rules, but they are unable to make moral judgements.