I have thought long and hard about ways to silence a JW who is inquiring about your defection of their religion.
They will look at you as a fool. Someone without faith and trusting in "man alone." A JW is programmed to never blame "Jehovah" for the works of any man, so if anyone leaves the "truth" because of something the Governing Body did or is doing, they look at you with pity because you have fallen into an "easily avoidable" trap, all they think you have to do is pray and rely on your Creator alone and everything will turn out ok.
So, here is a transcript of something I am working on, it's a conversation with a JW about "your decision.":
JW: Hey, I heard that you are not a witness anymore
You: That is correct
JW: Why would you ever want to leave Jehovah?
You: Well, I don't really think im leaving God, just more the Orginization and the Governing Body
JW: That IS Jehovah, he has appointed them over all his domestics! So leaving them is the same thing
You: I don't really believe that
JW: You are sounding like an apostate
You: Hear me out, I would never ask you to leave your faith because I know how important that is to you, but for the sake of information I will tell you why I feel it is in good conscience to leave the Orginization, but before I tell you i'd just like to ask if it is ok to tell you my train of thought here
JW: Ok
You: For so many years we have all been taught about the concepts of blood guilt and keeping the congregation pure and without fermentation, right?
JW: Yeah
You: It's why we have things like disfellowhipping and stuff, to keep the congregation clean because a little leaven ferments the whole loaf.
JW: Yes
You: Well a while back I was reasearching Oral Sex because I was about to get married to my wife and wanted to know if it was okay within the marriage arangement
JW: The Watchtower says it is a conscience matter
You: That's what I thought too, but a lot of people were counseling me to stay away from it, people that had been in the Org for a long time, so I wanted to look up what the Society said about it
JW: Okay
You: So I looked it up and found two types of councel. One was telling us that it was a VERY serious crime and that if you did it you had to immediatly tell the Elders about it and a judicial committee would be formed. Just like if you committed fornication.
JW: Really? I have never read that.
You: It's in there, it was practiced in the 70's. Then I looked up another article about it of which the Society did a complete 180 on the matter. It was now a conscience matter, which is the way it should be. I don't think our sex lives with our marriage mates should be entered by anyone.
JW: Yeah, that makes sense.
You: So reading this information really spurred some deep thought on my part. I thought, what happended to all those couples that had oral sex as an integral part of the sex lives for so long? What if you have been using it as foreplay for decades? Once it was turned to a DF'ing offense, that must have really affected a lot of relationships. Right?
JW: Yeah, I could see that.
You: Turns out it did, a lot of people broke up over it, believe it or not, sex is a really important part of a relationship and if something all of the sudden greatly affects it, it can start a snowball rolling. And another thing, what about men that were completely impotent? Oral Sex was the only way that he could satisfy his marriage mate, which is extremely important for men to feel good about themselves. Their only means of satisfaction would become a disfellowshipping offense.
JW: Yeah, but Jehovah is always there to help you through the hard times.
You: Yes, but here me out, I have point with all this. I was reminded of the story when Moses broke the rock with his staff and water came out saving the Israelites from dying from thirst, but he took all the credit. What happened to him?
JW: He was punished severely, he was denied the Land of Milk and Honey
You: Indeed. Kind David was harshly punished when he stepped over the line as well. Jehovah had a system back then that helped correct his Chosen Leaders when they made major missteps. This system is not in place today. If the Governing Body, the modern day Moses, makes very large mistakes like banning Oral Sex within the marriage arangement and then years later lifting the ban only after disfellowhipping thousands and very possibly stumbling those ones that got DF'ed they do not get corrected at all.
JW: Okay, I'm not getting your point here? This made you leave the Truth?
You: It wasn't the Oral Sex ban that opened my eyes specifically. It just got me thinking. Because the Governing Body has some heavty demands of us.
JW: No they don't they just provide the food at the proper time.
You: Yes, and that food includes not only guidelines but also Spiritual Law, punishable by Disfellowshipping. I began to research how the Governing Body presents themselves, and how they feel they relate to us the Other Sheep. What I found out is they demand unquestioning loyalty. Just a few months back in a watchtower they demanded that we never "challange the sole channel Jehovah" even in small matters like dress and grooming.
JW: That's because they know what's best for us using Bible Principles.
You: I have no problem with them as a guide. But I do have a problem with them as law givers and enforcers. Simply because there is no system these days to hold them accountable for making large mistakes, which are of course possible with any human if Moses and King David are capable of them.
You: Look, this is the way I feel. There are lots of ways to look at it. If you feel fine with the current setup than all power to you. But for me, I am going to step back and watch from here on out. From what I have learned about Jehovah and Jesus is that they are loving merciful entities that have a godly form of reason. I honestly don't see myself getting destroyed in the end for following my conscience just as you and everyone else has that god given right. We as Witnesses have always believed that we have all the answers, but now I get the feeling that in the end, we will all be very surprised how it turned out.
JW: Well, you make sense.
You: To each his own. I understand if these views make you feel alienated from me, they are controversial to say the least. But maybe one day we can enjoy each others company as people with different views, but humans nonetheless
JW: It was nice hearing your thoughts, have a nice day
You: You too, but that is all they are just thoughts. Humans are ever changing, no one can predict how we will feel about something tomorrow, cercomstance has a way of flip flopping our ideals rapidly. I hope you have a great day.