This is just my own personal take on things, but, it seems to me that the some of the gospel writers were heavily influenced by the dialogues
of Socrates. Greek thought, ethos and culture overtook the world at large like Beatlemania. I think a great many of the snappy sayings of Jesus and his simple way of confounding the intelligencia are set pieces demonstrating a Socratic method and style.
Any boob reading the passage you quoted can immediately grasp Jesus is not being literal. So, what would the point be? That anybody representing any view but Jesus' own was a boob.
His own disciples seldom seem to "get" what he is saying.
I further believe that many passages where Jesus takes them aside and "splains" himself to them like a kindergarten teacher are later additions by scribes.
We don't have any (not even one teeny widdle piece) original autograph scripture manuscripts to compare what originally was transmitted by way of Jesus or his teachings. We don't even have copies. We have assemblages of highly suspect (reworked and re-reworked) hearsay writings to go on that can in no way be verified (despite the pious assertions of people who earn their living by convincing us differently.)
Scripture is a mess and our conclusions are affected by the incompetency of what exists purporting to be divine communication.