There can be a paradise earth WITHOUT an earthly resurrection

by Mad Sweeney 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I get tired of hearing the faulty reasoning that there has to be an earthly resurrection because the Bible promises a paradise earth.


    The Bible ONLY mentions a heavenly resurrection AND resurrection is NEVER mentioned in conjunction with paradise earth.

    "How then could there be a paradise earth if everyone goes to heaven? The earth would be empty, dummy!"

    <sigh>There has NEVER been a mass resurrection to life on this planet and yet there are nearly 7 BILLION people living here. How can you possibly reason that earth would be empty of humans if not for a resurrection? To be resurrected one MUST DIE first. If your earthly paradise is true, then people would STOP DYING and then be able to fulfill God's purpose to fill the earth and subdue it.

    This makes sense both scripturally (if you believe in such things) and logically. The dub rationale that there HAS TO BE an earthly resurrection doesn't hold any logical water.

  • alanv

    The reasoning is of course Jehovah is to shortly destroy 99.9% of the human race so that would leave loads of room for an earthly resurrection.

    If you look at it that way you can see where their false reasoning is coming from.

  • JWoods

    The paradise earth rationale also implies an EVERLASTING paradise earth. Which is clearly at odds with any current cosmological understanding of the solar cycle.

  • sir82

    And you were expecting JW teachings to make rational sense?

  • Leolaia
    The reasoning is of course Jehovah is to shortly destroy 99.9% of the human race so that would leave loads of room for an earthly resurrection.

    I pointed this out a few years ago as the real problem to JW eschatology if "Armageddon" keeps getting delayed. The 1960s-era "new light" that most people who have died are entitled to a resurrection, as long as they were not killed through an execution of God's judgment, presumes that 99.9% of people on this "overpopulated" planet will die in Armageddon, leaving room for the resurrected masses. If the present generation goes to the grave peacefully, the Society will probably have to revert to the pre-1960s teaching (that relatively few will be resurrected), or give up on the "paradise earth" idea (which does not seem likely). Adding 6 billion souls to the number of those to be resurrected will be a tall order. However, as I also pointed out, the Society has never thought seriously about the problem posed by infant and childhood mortality. If babies and children who died prematurely are entitled to a resurrection (why wouldn't they be entitled to a chance to live by a gracious Creator?), plus all those who did live longer, then according to the Population Reference Bureau, we'd have to resurrect about 65 billion just to cover everyone who was born since 2000 BC.

  • sir82
    we'd have to have resurrect about 65 billion just to cover everyone who was born since 2000 BC.

    No problem, Jehovah will just miraculously shrink everyone so we're all 6 inches tall. Room for everyone then!

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    With 65 Billion resurrected, each publisher will have around 10,000 Bible studies! They'll never need to go door-to-door again and they'll STILL always get their time!!!

    Isn't Jehovah's organization wonderful?

  • JWoods

    65 billion on an earth which is probably a little crowded with 1/10 that number. A finite surface area earth. With finite resources. And a finite lifespan of the solar system.

    And yet, only 144,000 to heaven which is practically infinite.

    Anybody see anything a little OFF with this picture?

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    The entire concept is absurd to the point of laughable.

  • TheListener


    Where did you get that number?

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