If Jesus came in 1914, where is he?

by cyberjesus 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • finallysomepride

    on the beach in Barbados

  • Farkel

    : If Jesus came in 1914, where is he?

    He got mugged in Philadelphia.


  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough
    Wait, I am confused now. So he is not here yet? When is he coming then? Where did you get this info? Are you related to CT Russell on any way shape of form?

    If you are addressing this comment to me, and if you read the material, you will see that it disagrees with the JW position because they are wrong about this and virtually every other false teaching. Their publications teach that Jesus has already returned, invisibly, and that the parousia has already begun. This is the Second Coming of Christ, all of which is complete utter nonsense. They do not believe it is figurative, but literal, that the Second Coming of Christ already happened in 1914. Although I have also seen references in their publications that state he will 'return' in the future, that is only a foil which provides them with plausible deniability when they are confronted with this ridiculous theory.

    And the information on that web site is the result of three years of research and work. Read more here: http://144000.110mb.com/144000/index.html

    JD II


    The Advantages of Hindsight

    If Jesus did return in 1914, why did no one see him? Even the Witnesses, then known as “Bible Students,” were still waiting for him to come in 1918. Not until years later in1929, did the Society “realize” that Jesus had returned in 1914 and that they had failed to notice! Despite expecting Jesus, they missed him.

    Did the Bible say that Jesus would not be noticed even by his chosen nation of Jehovah's Witnesses when he returned?

    "Behold, he is coming with the clouds! Every eye will see him…" (Revelation 1:7 NE)

    Whether this reference is meant to refer to the literal eye or not, there is no doubt that according to the Bible, Jesus will make himself known. The Watchtower Society overcame this discrepancy by saying that Jesus returned in a sense in 1914 to take up his presence invisibly. He then came again in 1919, also invisibly, to take the deceased members of the Society to heaven. They had originally taught that Jesus had returned in 1873.

    They are still waiting for his third return, which is said to be any day now. This return will be noticed by the world.

    This convenient way of using Bible prophecy is a pattern that occurs many times. Invisible or symbolic so far, literal and seen by everyone - always a day away. Did the Bible really predict that Jesus would return this many times, and why did the Witnesses miss him the first time, only realising with hindsight that he had visited?

    Taken from Opening the Door to Jehovah's Witnesses by Trevor Willis - Download available on Lulu

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Mexico. I guarantee there's someone named Jesus there.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    If Jesus came in 1914, where is he?

    Mowing my lawn.

  • wantingtruth

    If Jesus came in 1914, where is he?

    For the readers really interested in answer ,

    here is it.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    If Jesus came in 1914, where is he?

    IF the subject of the premise is faulty, then is the premise worthy of further consideration? How can we consider the attendant question until the premise is correct?

    Just asking.


  • sabastious
    Jesus came figuratively.

    I hope when my wife doesn't view our sex life this way.

  • cameo-d

    He did not come in 1914, but he will be here soon. Until then, we must carry on in his behalf.

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