To the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with... may you all have peace!
Well, another passover "season" is upon us! I will not bore you with along discourse on what we SHOULD do... and why. You already know because the same Spirit that speaks to me has spoken to you. You have heard... but perhaps you have not yet acted upon what you have heard. And why? No other reason than fear. Fear of being "different." Fear of being ostracized. Fear of "losing" loved ones. I say to you now, however... HAVE NO FEAR. Let your LOVE conquer and move you past fear. Your love for the Most Holy One of Israel... and the One whom He sent to save you. The One whose blood was poured out FOR you... and would only GIVE you that blood if you would accept it. You know its purpose... you know its power. And your love for your family.
I implore you: THIS year... do not be "ashamed" of him. Do not hide YOUR "light" under a basket. You know who you are and you know why his voice is calling you. Answer. Open your DOOR... and take the evening meal with him. (Revelation 3:20) And don't do it in the dark... somewhere where no one can see you. Put your light on the TABLE. Acknowledge who you are... sons of the Most High God... and do not let ANYONE... or anything... including your own fear... stand in your way. Do not be in fear of those who can kill the body.
And do NOT be loving your mother, your father, your brother... your wife or husband... or your children more. Because these cannot save you. To the CONTRARY... it is YOU who must save them... by becoming a "priest" to your household. Just as our brothers and forefathers before us. Because the blessing is for you... AND YOUR CHILDREN (Acts 2:39)... and how do you know but that you will "save" your husband/wife by YOUR good conduct?
It is not conduct as to our everyday lives, dear ones. We are, all of us sinners, and none of our own "works" can gain us entry. However, we CAN gain entry if we go... through the DOOR! And he is standing open, yet, crying out to ANY who wishes... He and His Bride... to:
"Come! Take life's "water"... holy spirit... which we receive through the BLOOD OF CHRIST... which blood flows out from him... as a river... FREE!"
Come, eat from the Tree of Life... and live... forever. For though your flesh may die... your SPIRIT... will live on. Forever. (John 6:51, 54, 56)
YOUR servant, as I am servant to ALL those of the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with... and a slave of Christ... to time indefinite,