I won an autographed book of poems about the Donner party. Yes, poems about the Donner party. My friend took it before I got to read it,sadly. So i will never have this important question answered: other than Hannibal- what rhymes with cannibal?
Have you ever won anything? In a raffle, lottery, etc?
by restrangled 53 Replies latest jw friends
I won an essay contest which resulted in my name being in the end credits of a video game, Mega Man Battle Network 4. Video game immortality, if ever there was such a thing. No higher score can boot me off the credits. I'm in there forever.
Video game immortality--what does it mean in our time? Evidently, it means that, during the Video Game Memorial, I will partake of the video game emblems--the video game bread and video game wine--while the rest of those who look forward to infinite lives on video game earth attend merely as observers. Not bad...
If you mean have I ever won something large, not $5.00 in bingo or a lotto scratch-off ticket or something, then yes. I won $500.00 from the Monopoly game at McDonald's about 10 - 15 years ago. Pulled off an "Instant Win" sticker from my soft drink. That's pretty much all I've ever won that was of any substantial size. I think that was all the "luck" I was allotted for this lifetime.
My wife wins stuff. She won $5000 toward a scholarship on some internet contest.
She won a trip for two from the U.S. to the 2000 Olympics in Sydney with airfare, hotel, event tickets, some meals, some spending money.
She won a handful of radio call-in contests for various small amounts of cash when she was a teenager.
And the biggest of all- she won me.(I had to go for that joke at the end. All true, though.)