Hi all
I used to post a lot on here but rarely do these days. I was asked by a friend today to give her some questions for a Dub she's meeting tomorrow. He's an arrogant one who says he can answer any question she has and consequently (haha) demonstrate that it's the truth.
A couple of years ago I could've put together a list really easily but I'm really rusty on these things now and haven't been a Dub myself for decades. Can you help me with some killer questions please? Or failing that post a link to a definitive thread?
Cheers in advance,
Help - Need Some Tough Questions...
by Clam 24 Replies latest watchtower bible
Darling Clam;
Perhaps you should forward her a copy of the project I did a couple of years ago. You can download it here for free on Randy's site:
It's not so much "questions", but it covers some important doctrinal issues that I think, proves them to be completely false and is a useful tool when dealing with Witnesses.
Or, here's a site you may want to check out:
Hi Clam where abouts in the UK are you?
Have you seen Tuesday's Tough Questions for Jehovah's Witnesses on YouTube, there are some great ones there.
Cantleave (a man from the South Coast of England.)
Boy are you in luck :) I have a whole series of them. Have her watch the series and see which ones she understands best and what she feels comfortable asking.
Mary you're a sweetheart. Thank you that's very helpful.
Hiya Cantleave - I'm in SE Kent but have pleanty of family still inside, so can't be more specific than that right now. Ta - I'll check out that youtube thingy.
Crossposted with you Tim! Your videos are awesome.
Tuesday that awesome thanks. Bluecanary also fantastic stuff to be chewing over. Thank you Blondie too. Hope you're well?
Hey old friend!..
Pop in more often!..