I'm new and wanted to introduce myself

by MarkedFragile 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • MarkedFragile

    Hello Everyone.

    I'm new to this forum. I left the organization several months ago, and am on a new path now. Though I didn't grow up in the organization, I have basically lived a life of pretending to be something I'm not, sheltering my feelings from everyone, and not feeling "enough" to anyone. It's one of those journeys where smiles, hugs, or "I love you's" only existed in storybooks and tv shows. I joined the organization because people kept telling me my current religion was wrong, and I wanted to serve God in the "right way". The years I spent in the organizatipn were filled with lots of confusion and conflict. On the outside, I was a suit-and-tie Bible boy who went door to door, and on the inside, I was a small child who was screaming for love, attention, friendship, and truth. People in the organization said I would have new mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers, but most of what I gained was loneliness, fear, and tears. I would often cry in my pillow, or drive around town in the early hours of the morning, trying to figure out why I felt so empty when I was in an organization that promised love. I decided that I couldn't go on hiding who I was and believing things that I found to be false. I left "cold turkey" and had to deal with the "search parties" that call and knock whenever someone leaves. I am still dealing with that. Since leaving, I have met some wonderful people in my life, but, to some extent, still feel like a shivering child in need of a blanket. I don't usually talk about my feelings much, but decided to use this forum as a way of introducing myself in hopes of finding support and friendship. Thanks for listening. --MarkedFragile

  • palmtree67

    Hello and welcome!

    Come and hang out with us for awhile!

  • Heaven

    Welcome to JWN, MarkedFragile! I think you will find there are people here who feel the same as you. Most of us are still trying to sort things out. But I don't think we're alone. Even people who aren't JWs have some of the same challenges in life.

    For us, trusting people and not being judgmental are 2 of our biggest challenges. Have you read any books that have helped you so far?

    Some that are recommended here are 'Crisis of Conscience' by Ray Franz and Steve Hassan's 'Combatting Cult Mind Control' and 'Releasing the Bonds'.

    When you realize that most of what you were taught to believe is false, you have quite alot to sort out. It takes time. I wish you the best of luck and look forward to reading your posts.

  • rockmehardplace


  • peaches

    greetings!!!! you are safe here....peaches

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    You will find remarkably diverse yet remarkably similar life stories and experiences here. Welcome.

    Many of us are at a similar stage of leaving as you, many have been out longer, some for decades, and others just exploring how to get out of the organization. Stick around. You'll find help and support from all angles.

  • snowbird


    You will be handled with care here.


  • poopsiecakes

    Welcome to the board

  • aSphereisnotaCircle
  • sd-7


    Loneliness was my experience, too. Never felt like I fit in. I was neither too 'worldly' nor too 'spiritual'. That tends to leave you in a weird place. Being raised inside the organization probably helped further my feelings of loneliness and crying for help and comfort. I know that feeling well. There are good people here. Hope you can make some good friends here.

    Side note--someone told me how recently people are joining the site like crazy. I'm getting the feeling they were right! Mass exodus on a barely noticeable scale? Hmm...

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