Ok this is weird I am noticing more and more JW's on Facebook. Even an Elder I know has started an account. At first it seemed like it was just the "spiritually weak" who really don't care or do much field service. Now it is seems other more stonger JW's are joining Face book. I ask them about it and they are like...well I just want to stay in touch with Family or someother excuse... Anyone else noticing any trending?
Losing the war on Facebook
by Brocephus 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Mad Sweeney
I had an elder try to "friend" me. I've ignored him.
The more they talk about it, the more they get curious............
Mad Sweeney
Also, Facebook is made for people like dubs, who always want to know what's going on with who and who they're hanging out with and where. Are there any greater gossips and busybodies than the Witnesses?
I abandoned mine for this very reason.
I didn't delete.....I just abandoned it.
How long will it be before the Borg launches their own social networking site? That would be the logical thing and then they could tell everyone to shutdown their facebook accounts because the faithful and discreet slave had lovingly provided a way for Jehovah's people to stay in touch.
every time i see a thread about JWs and FB
i do a quick peek and sure enough, they are
still registered in droves... i DO notice they
are tightening up their security so it is less
likely to peruse "friends" to find other JWs....but they definitely arent listening to mother
Facebook isn't just for social networking...anymore.
I've had several people tell me that they joined for business reasons. I've been encouraged to do the same...though I've resisted so far. A lot of businesses now have FB accounts, looking to generate sales/interest in their product through this new medium.
Sometimes I'm amazed at how a corporation that once led the way in using new technology to further their message (sound cars, phonographs, radio, motion pictures w/sound) has done a complete 180 and fears most things that are progressive.
Imagine if they Society had a Facebook account and updated all the dubs on upcoming special talks, assemblies, releases or just news of brothers in other parts of the world. They might actually endear themselves to their flock who in turn might hang on their every word a little more. But nope...they can't take advantage of new technology...they have to condemn it as wicked, evil, from Satan.
We know why they're scared...if the 'friends' get connected to too many non-JWs, they can be influenced. If too many JWs connect and talk amongst themselves without a proper WT program in mind, they might start to mumble and complain.
So instead of trying to find a positive way to use technology they resort to the tried and failed method of condemning it. Just as they under estimated the power of the Internet, they've under estimated the power of FB and similar networking programs.
I think that's what they are afraid of Undercover is people being able to complain with out the shepherds to qaush it.... Could you imagine.. Become a fan of "Field Service Sucks" or Become a Fan of "I wish I could date or go to college".... The anarchy!
No active JW adults from my KH are on facebook!!!!