scientology series starts tonight on cnn

by besty 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • besty

    thanks to Steve Hassan for the tip off......

    This week we begin a four-part investigation into allegations made by a number of former high ranking members of the Church of Scientology. The allegations are about physical abuse they say took place within the Sea Organization, the international management branch of the church.

    These former members, many of whom dedicated their lives to Scientology, allege that the leader of the church, David Miscavige, has used physical violence against a number of Sea Organization members. The church adamantly denies these allegations, and back up their denials with numerous affidavits and testimonials defending Mr. Miscavige and attacking those who are speaking out.

    Interestingly, the church spokesman, Tommy Davis, admits there was a history of violence in the Sea Organization, but the people he blames for it are those who are making the allegations against David Miscavige. He says they were demoted by Mr. Miscavige, and are bitter and disgruntled. Some of those making the allegations admit they did engage in violent acts, but say it was at the urging of Mr. Miscavige.

    There is no real proof offered by either side, but viewers can make their own assessment. We have spent several months working on this series, and believe it is a fair look at the allegations and the counter claims made by the church.

  • JWoods

    Could you put the time up here for anyone who cannot get to the blog?

  • poopsiecakes

    10:00 pm EST

  • besty

    I think ac360 is on at 10PM EST through to midnight.

  • JWoods

    I am going to be watching it for sure. Very glad that some network finally had the guts to look into this.

  • Gayle

    Thanks, Besty,,,I will be watching,,the Watchtower headquarters better watch out and get their act together because some day, maybe not in my day, but that they'll have their turn, about their own types of abuses, shunning young and old, blood issue control, JW pedophile policy, etc. with CNN. There are many JWs leaving and maybe some day it will be a "great crowd."

  • JWoods

    Well, did anybody else see this?

    I will have to say I was a little disappointed with the lack of depth - just the one guy so far, the former right hand man to Miscaevage. He claimed "a culture of violence" in COS under Miscaevage, but did not go into much depth.

    The Scientologists naturally denied it in a sort of zombie-like cult speak - claiming that the dissenters were the only violent ones. They had either 2 or 4 people for each interview, but only one spoke. What was up with that???

    One interesting point was that while the Scientologists claim a million members, the producers quoted an independent research group who estimates the actual membership at from 25,000 to 55,000!

    I dropped out after about an hour because AC did not stay on this topic but kept rambling off to other things, and then it looked like he restarted all his topics all over again in the second hour. Guess I will have to check it out again tonight.

  • Gayle

    I, too, was disappointed. Much repeats throughout, with a past right hand man, ex-member, and repeats of their inside lawyer denying everything and one inside woman denying accusations. A "breaking news" story about some small militant religious Armageddon group dominated the time slot with much repeat clips also. So, I was switching back and forth to watch "Dancing with the Stars" some also.

    Just seems many ex-members are clinging to their Scientology beliefs, as their "truth," they're just mad at their leader right now, Mr. Miscaevage (their Rutherford). I sense he is fighting for his position and control. Seems two groups (maybe schism) are developing, First Scientologist and a Second Scientologist, both claiming the other are "apostates." Of course, the one group has a lot of money, thus more power.

  • JWoods

    Just for what it is worth, I have a friend who was in the Sea Org of the COS back when L. Ron Hubbard was alive, and who left them after serving on Hubbard's yacht Apollo.

    He says Miscaevage really is their Rutherford (if Hubbard was the Russell) and is basically a lightweight wannabe intellectually. He fully believes the stories of physical abuse by these dissidents. Miscaevage took over by a sort of deceitful palace coup when Hubbard was terminally ill, shutting out the natural leadership succession and there have been several waves of dissidents leaving since then.

    Gayle's point is probably correct - a lot of exCOS people are holding on to the truly crazy belief system. They seem to be mad at the church administration under Miscaevage rather than having doctrinal issues.

    I just have to say - you can simply go to the internet and read better information on the subject than what I saw last night on Anderson Cooper.

  • JWoods

    OK, caught just a little of part 2. A second Scientologist verifies that Miscaevage was in the habit of punching out followers for seemingly no good reason, other than to assert his ultimate authority. Like the first guy, he seemed reasonable and believable, and gave a more detailed account.

    Scientologist lawyer again denies everything like a zombie with some scientologist chick sitting there next to him (weird). Scientology "wives" of the guys that left deny what they are saying.

    Anderson Cooper format of jumping around from one topic to another over and over again is JUST PLAIN IRRITATING. I may have missed some of the COS stuff because of this - just could not stand to sit through two whole hours of him.

    If anything, I am getting the impression that this cult is AT LEAST AS WEIRD as the Watchtower.

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