What you describe is very typical of most protestant church services. I go to an Evangelical Free church which is "baptistic" in many ways.
I have a question about something you said:
The padded pews were comfortable and allowed for sitting closely with family. The church was decorated in a very simple and dignified manner. Nothing like the hideous décor that KHs are designed with. There were Bibles and hymnals available at all the seats. I don't think anyone would mind if someone just sat and read from the Bible throughout the service. There was no need to feel left out or go to a special service counter to get the materials needed for the service. There was no need to purchase materials (through donation or otherwise) and lug them back and forth from your home.
Explain to me about JWs buying items for the service. What do you buy, how much and how often.
Any church that I would attend, most of the attendees would bring a Bible with them to church. They can bring any translation they want (as long as it isn't a NWT ). We of course don't buy our Bibles from the church. Also, Bibles and hymn books are right at the pew. No one owns their own hynmal and if you don't have a Bible or if you don't want to lug your own Bible to church you can use theirs.
My Sunday school class is using a book that is available at any christian bookstore. We don't have to have this book but at the beginning of the class those who wanted to own it could buy it from the teacher. They bought them in bulk and at a discount. They were sold at cost.